Global Haiku • Spring 2019
Dr. Randy Brooks

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Breana Bagley


Breana Bagley

Bree Bagley prefaces, HER Haiku Collection, her collection of her most beloved haiku written during her Spring 2019 Global Haiku course, instructed by Dr. Randy Brooks. Most of the haiku written in this book are derived from non-fictional events that have taken place during her collegiate years, either directly to her or to her close friends. This book contains haiku ranging from childhood adventures, to the college dating scene. This book is intended for the enjoyment of all ages and hopes to provide comical relief and mutual connection between collegiate women. Bagley would like to thank her professor, Dr. Brooks, for teaching her how to read and write haiku.

Kate Spade
painting the world

laying in the truck bed
gazing up above
duck—mom ahead

ducks crossing the
duck crossing

she is anything
but invisible
the professor spoke

      shake shake shake
shake that protein shake

finally midnight
a running start into
my cloud of comforters

          ho ho
     Ho the Persian
peed on the bed again

glitter here and there
my sisters are

dad said Dumbo
was for babies – I flew anyway
what a dumbo


Valentine's card
no match
for a lighter

the string of lights
leads you to me
Merchant Street

two years
the string of lights
that never burned out

© 2019, Randy Brooks • Millikin University
All rights returned to authors upon publication.