Taking Each Day
One Step at a Time
Marissa Garcia
I really enjoyed my time in Global Haiku. My approach to haiku is quite interesting. I sit in my room and I play my playlist and just imagine. I imagine what has happened in my life and reflect on it in my haiku. I really like taking my life perspectives and transforming my haiku. I find a sense of relief and sanctuary writing about my life. We all go through similar traumas and experiences and having my haiku be about mine, but a reader seeing it in a different view point truly fascinates me. Within my collection you will be able to find a sense of your own experiences while reading about mine.
During my time in Global Haiku I have noticed that many of my haiku were based on time in many different aspects. Time when it came to the stages of grief, looking and reflecting on how time is what really mends all. Time when it comes to trauma, looking back at the past and reflecting on it and how it made me a stronger individual. Time when it comes to relationships, how they start and how they grow. Many people say that time is relevant, and I whole heartedly agree. Reading a clock every couple of seconds just to see that time is slow, or looking back at the clock and see that an hour has past knowing that time has flown. Time is relevant, however time is what heals all. The numbers that tick by are the moments that can really mend the soul and cure the spirit. In this collection I want to share how it takes time to move through life and really understand why things happen for a reason. |