Global Haiku • Spring 2022
Dr. Randy Brooks

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Alex Saviano

This collection is dedicated to the future me and the future you.




And That's Okay

Alex Saviano

One of the most difficult concepts that we as humans struggle with is the concept of love. Love thy neighbor, love your parents, love each other, so on and so forth. But the one form of love that is discussed less than any of the rest is that of self love. Society always preaches “you can’t love someone else until you love yourself”, but then proceeds to make it increasingly difficult for anyone to love themselves. While others may see self love as high levels of vanity or an inflated ego, self love can be the saving grace of someone slipping off of the edge into a darkness that there is no return. It is through this discussion of self love that can only bring hope of saving another soul from going down this darkness and keeping them in the light where they belong. And That’s Okay reflects on the fact that not everyone is “perfect”. In fact, “perfect” is nothing more than a delusion of grandeur that is unachievable. Despite what the world may say, you don’t have to be the smartest person in the room, or the strongest, or the wittiest. You should be uniquely you. You’re allowed to be different. And that’s okay.

“If you can’t love yourself, how in the hell you gonna love somebody else?” ~RuPaul

shaping myself
to fit me
what even is normal?

witch’s cackle
shaking furniture
i love my mom

first kiss on a street corner
hoping the strangers watch

sotto il motto
stasera perdo
il mio tesoruccio

under the dock
tonight i lose
my little treasure trove

lips meet
like old friends
i'm no longer scared

shoulders back
chin up
i am confidence

what's wrong with you?
nothing. and that's okay.

red cloak
as tasty as the girl
wolf belly

grey-red fox
ignored by all
tire imprints

crippled leg
trotting along
cocking the shotgun

Disney Storytelling Haiku

miners of gems
mine for kindness
the bad apple

biggest ears               r
biggest dreams       a
let your spirit    s o

the second star
follow the twinkling light
growing up is overrated

the architecture will outlive
its inhabitants
ring the bell

the red balloon
a firend worth

Disney Storytelling Haiku key

miners . . . . . . . . . Snow White
biggest ears . . . . . Dumbo
the second star . . . Peter Pan
architecture . . . . . Hunchback of Notre Dame
red balloon . . . . . . Winnie the Pooh


In the chilly night, the nursery with three empty beds bid farewell to their owners and the mystery shadow who is taking them away. A shimmering, yellow ball of light guides the path out the window. The St. Bernard’s bark pleads to be brought along, but the rope keeps her tied down. Traveling along the merry way, the moon beams down on a pond with two swans in love. The swans welcome these travelers as they demonstrate ways to glide unlike before. The ripples of the water disrupt one beauty for another, as the journey ventures on. The looming circular faces of Big Ben invite the group to meet. Fifteen minutes pass in a second as the bells chime out of routine. Pointing into the dark blue sky, two dazzling lights of color pierce through with promise of adventure.

holding her hand
we leap off the arm
and soar to the stars

© 2022, Randy Brooks • Millikin University
All rights returned to authors upon publication.