Rengay by Mary Gamble & Friends

Global Haiku Tradition
Millikin University, Spring 2001

Mary Gamble

Mary Gamble's Haiku

Mary Gamble and friends wrote several rengay in the Spring 2001 Global Haiku Tradition course. Here are a few of their collaborative works:

Second Glance
by Mark E. Grizzard and Mary A. Gamble

Across the Pavement
by Mark E. Grizzard, Sarah J. Lutz, and Mary A. Gamble

Second Glance

happy surprise
in the delivery room                   MAG
twice as many children

man and his reflection                MEG
converse through the water

second glance into the room
she reconsiders                          MAG
her decision

baby ducks
follow their mother                    MEG
two by two

working double shifts                MAG
to pay the power bill

second date
he notices                                  MEG
her green eyes

Rengay by Mark E. Grizzard and Mary A. Gamble

Across the Pavement

the land races by
falling asleep                            MEG
to the engine hum

hitchhiker                                  SJL
hides his gold watch

black and white checked flag
waved through the air                MAG

today’s hour commute              MEG

paying more attention
to the radio                                SJL

than the road
yellow arrow                             MAG
fifty feet away

Rengay by Mark Grizzard, Sarah Lutz, and Mary Gamble



©2001 Randy Brooks, Millikin University, Decatur, Illinois || all rights reserved for original authors