EN340 / IN350 Global Haiku Tradition
Dr. Randy Brooks
Spring 2002
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On Cor Van Den Heuvel's Haiku

Selected Haiku

Maggie Hart

As a rather inexperienced writer, I follow the lead of many great haiku authors like Cor van den Heuvel and Lee Gurga. I try to write about my own experiences so that others can find meaning in them. I take the "nothing special" approach as well. I choose not to write about such life-changing events because they do not happen very often. So rather than focus on things that most people cannot relate to, I take the "nothing special" approach in hoping that my readers will be able to form a connection. This is my collection. Enjoy.

Valentine's day
girlfriends meet
for dinner

(Illinois Times, Feb. 21, 2002)

under the street signs
and the shadow of her hat
morning glories

ocean of tiger lilies
waving in the breeze
a wisp of hair breaks free



sticky corn tassels
I reach the end . . .
of my row

red sauce simmers
two lovers dancing
in the kitchen




in her paper robe
mother holds
her newborn

training wheels removed
dad's hands     clapping

united cleats and pigtails
the video camera
catches her first goal

dishpan hands
wash away tears
from her first love

strong hands tremble
as he gives away the bride

in her paper robe
mother holds
her newborn

a rengay by
Maggie Hart & Tonya Parrish

©2002 Randy Brooks, Millikin University, Decatur, Illinois || all rights reserved for original authors