Selected Haiku

Chelsey A. Peters

Global Haiku Tradition
Millikin University, Summer 2001

Writing Haiku

I think that good writing is easily separated from other writings because of the emotions expressed in the text. Really good writing comes from a person who is able to relay specific emotions onto a reader with similar affect. Writing is about the delivery of a message containing; emotions, thoughts, and background context.

In Haiku writing I have learned how to pick the best descriptive words to send the reader into a specific moment. All of my writing is about how I feel and relate with other people and nature. I am also trying to put humans and nature together to create contrast on their differences. I have also allowed readers to see that nature can react like humans in many ways.

Writing my Haiku has allowed me to pick and choose words constantly. I am never happy with the chosen word, I am always looking for the new and better.

Feeling emotions makes all of us human and beautiful from all else, and I simply enjoy being able to pass on our abilities that many overlook.

At first Haiku seems like simple lines with few words, but when you read the poems and feel certain emotions you know it was captured vividly and perfectly. I think it is easily misunderstood that few words means less effort but lots of work goes into narrowing describing words and phrases. I think that writing Haiku has helped me to open up and see more and feel more in myself and in others. I have also learned to take time to stop and enjoy nature's beauty.

I stop to see
the length of truth . . .
shadows on the black top

(Illinois Times, July 26, 2001)



heavy shade
under the oak . . .
guilt walks in

The thieving old girlfriend . . .
her lingering hug
steals our trust



Watching in quiet darkness
     broken from what . . .
     I now see

Planting a single tree . . .
     it grows beyond
my life time



Dancing in summer's darkness
    the two children
know nothing of Love

Leaving him       alone       So he can know



     thick fog wraps . . .
around the dock
     reflections unseen

©2001 Randy Brooks, Millikin University, Decatur, Illinois || all rights reserved for original authors