Haiku Kukai 3 - Easter Break

Roundtable Renga • Millikin University, Spring 2011

pinky toe
falling asleep
in shiny shoes

Jennifer Kibbat (4)

I really love this one is because it makes me think of childhood. I can picture it in mind what this girl looks like and how happy she is. Wearing little pinky shoe and ready to celebrate Easter Day! How lovely it is. Besides, I love the color of this Haiku, like pink and shiny. For me, it is not only just like the Haiku, but also the painting! Cindy

little feet
fill the special
church shoes

tap shoes
click on the driveway
outside of church

Jennifer Kibbat (4)

rainbow fingers
finally finished
coloring the eggs

Jennifer Kibbat (6)

It is a sweet Haiku. First of all, the rainbow gives me the image of raining which is the negative image, however, with the emergence of rainbow, it shows the powerful and peaceful reflection, like Easter Day's tranquil expression. Besides, coloring eggs is one of the important traditions for Easter Day. I love this Haiku a lot. Cindy

spring rain
the color drips off
the hidden eggs

Jennifer Kibbat (7)

This particularly haiku had a sense of calm and subtly many of those in the kukai didn't. It feels almost dainty. I love the fact that the color is dripping off in some hidden place, so no one even knows it's happening. It can be beautiful, even without someone there to witness it. Perhaps the eggs were forgotten, and returning to what they were before they were colored. Aubrie

sunday mass
never enough tissues
on Easter

Jennifer Kibbat (2)

egg hunt
before the full moon

Cindy Shr-ying Chen (3)

Easter eggs
the neighbor's trees

hen house
not a peep
from the egg basket

Aubrie Cox (5)

a single kick
she rests her hand
on her stomach

music plays
while her stomach

Elise Scannell (5)

pleasant surprise—
on the little plastic stick

Elise Scannell

I think this one is really sweet! Most of the pregnancy confirmation haiku that I've read this past year have been very negative and unhappy. But this one starts off with the word "pleasant", automatically making it a joyful haiku. I also like that it's a surprise, like she didn't suspect she was pregnant and that she was just taking a test to check. But then she was, and that made her happy. Tara

kneeling at the altar
to confess her sins
on Easter Sunday

Tara Goheen (2)

I really like this one because of how it incorporates sins and Easter. Because Easter is usually associated with a happy time and the resurrection of Jesus it's really interesting to have the sort of negative feel about confessing one's sins...but it also fits because Easter is a time of rebirth and cleansing--which is what confessing is supposed to do. I also really like the fact that it sounds like it's a person who does not usually care to go to church or confess sins--like the people who only go to church on holidays because that is what is expected or something. Love it! Elise

lipstick and rouge
another Sunday of
forgetting "modesty"

Tara Goheen (4)

Easter sunrise
tarnished cross
in my jewelry box

Aubrie Cox (9)

As we saw last Wednesday, I loved a lot of the Easter haiku that our class wrote over break. We have such talented poets! One of my absolute favorite haiku from last week is "Easter sunrise / tarnished cross /in my jewelry box‚" by Aubrie. Some classmates brought up some interesting readings of this haiku, such as the cross only coming out once or twice a year for when the person goes to church. Or it just sitting there, never being used and being tarnished with age. That's what makes this haiku great. Besides it'sgreat imagery (tarnished is such a great word!), it can be interpreted in many different ways. Kate

Kool-Aid stains
her white and pink
Easter dress

morning after
blossoms unfold
a fresh start

Elise Scannell (4)

they stare
at the last piece of ham

Jennifer Kibbat (6)

screech of tires—
the turtle
crosses the road

Elise Scannell (5)

This is my other favorite haiku from our kukai session last week. Elise's haiku has two great elements incorporated: sound and imagery. I can hear the screech of the tires as the person in the car skids to a halt for the turtle crossing the road. And the turtle crossing the road evokes majestic imagery in my mind of a vivid green against the black or dark grey of a country road. And I just think it's agreat haiku that could stand alone or even work as a hokku. Great job to Elise and of course to everyone else! Kate

broken iron
too many wrinkles
on their sunday best

Jennifer Kibbat (5)

the rusted bike
from the stuffy garage

Elise Scannell (3)

stuffing her face
results in an
Easter-dinner food baby

little Hershey bunny
waiting on little hands,
she still believes.

Tara Goheen (5)

The first thing that caught my attention in this haiku is the parallel of "little" of hands and the bunny. Then the third line shifts to "she still believes"--I love how it's deeply rooted in the concrete then projects out into the mindscape and contemplative. The third line is such a firm statement, but doesn't say what she still believes in—the Easter bunny? Jesus? That chocolate is delicious? The chocolate bunny is also waiting, which is time sensitive--any longer and it will probably begin to melt. Time is well suspended in this haiku. Aubrie

chocolate smears his face—
Easter bunny
cracked open

Kate Eagler (2)

I also LOVE this one because it makes me feel nostalgic and reminds me of when we would get our Easter baskets as kids and the only present i would really look forward to every year was the big, hollow chocolate bunny. It's also just a really fun, cute haiku that stands out from the other serious ones of the bunch. Elise

reaching into the bunny hole
she searches
for an egg

Kate Eagler (3)

rain boots splashing
her fingers search
for worms

Elise Scannell (6)

flipping through the channels
Grandma avoids
Grandpa's favorites

Kate Eagler (6)

I really liked this one because it reminds me of grumpy old grandparents that fight, even during the holidays. When my grandpa was still alive, this is how my grandparents were. They'd do something just to piss the other one off, but I knew they loved each other. I also like that it's Grandma avoiding it and not Grandpa, because the Grandpa is usually the ornery one. Tara

Easter morning
coughing blood
in the kitchen sink

Aubrie Cox (4)

a cold look
in my direction—
the evil stepdaughter

Tara Goheen (4)

small talk
avoiding the dishes
after dinner

Jennifer Kibbat (4)

© 2011, Randy Brooks • Millikin University
All rights returned to authors upon publication.