Millikin University Course


Renga Writing Roundtable Authors



Partner Kasen
(Roundrobin Style)

Spring Break Renga
(variety of approaches)

Renga Response Stories

Kasen Renga by Class

Renga Writing Roundtable
Spring 2011 • Dr. Randy Brooks

Course Description

Renga Writing Roundtable, is a student centered one-credit workshop modeled after Japanese renga writing groups. This writing workshop meets as a weekly writing & editing circle.

For the spring 2011 semester, we will explore the Japanese and English traditions of collaborative renga writing. Renga calls on each participant to provide imaginative readings of a previous verse, then add a new linked verse to create a new poem. Therefore each link connects to the previous verse and shifts into a new creation. And the process continues, with writers creating a new poem out of every two links until the end of the renga.

Students read and write about the renga writing tradition, and engage in renga writing in class teams and through entire class collaborations.

Kukai 1 - Winter Break
Kukai 1 Favorites

1 Tan-renga
1 Tan-renga Favorites

2 Tan-renga
2 Tan-renga Favorites

Kukai 3 - Easter Break
Kukai 3 Favorites

Renga Roundtable Students Spring 2011
Millikin University





Aubrie Cox

Becky Smith

Cindy Chen

Elise Scannell





Jennifer Kibbat

Kate Eagler

Lacey Sutheard

Nora Kocher






Susie Wirthlin

Tara Goheen


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© 2011, Dr. Randy Brooks • Millikin University

last updated 5/19/11about this web site