Haiku Kukai 4—Pumpkin Pie

(select your top 3 or 4 favorites)
Haiku Writing Roundtable--Kukai 4, Fall 2002

lying pies
the pumpkin
tastes terrible

James Osmun (5)

under the lampshade
the red light
glows like a pumpkin

passed down
generations and generations
pumpkin pie recipe

pumpkin pie
doesn’t taste the same
. . . without mom

Candace Golden (4)


scents of sugar and spice
fill the kitchen—
warm pumpkin pie

cold day
back inside
overwhelmed by the aroma

devoured within seconds
the pumpkin pie
sweet and delicious

on the counter
pumpkin pie
next to turkey

the men and
their football game
wives yell "pie"

Ryan Hosler

pumpkin and sweet potato pie
sit side-by-side
which is which?

july heat
pumpkin pie
best birthday ever

sweet spicy smells
warming the house
little jack on my knee


spicy aroma
fill the house
little jack on my knee

Stacy Radliff

smiling face
seen through candle-light
now his guts are a pie

Stacy Radliff (5)

Thanksgiving meal
shared over plastic containers
cold stale pie

stark yellow light
reveals silver tin
the last slice

© 2002, Randy Brooks • Millikin University
All rights returned to authors upon publication.