EN170 Haiku Writing Roundtable • Fall 2005
Dr. Randy Brooks

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Raquel Burns

Haiku in the Mountains

Raquel Burns

The Appalachian Mountains and the mountain people of Eastern Kentucky are what inspire and influence my most prized haiku. I lived in Elkhorn City, Kentucky for the summer to complete an acting internship for a thriving community theatre. I did more growing up in one summer in the mountains than in 18 years of suburban living. I'd like to imagine if I did grow up in the mountains, that the haiku in the last section of the second page are moments that would have occurred throughout a childhood and an early adolescence.

I have also included a Rengay style of haiku composed in conjunction with a dear companion of mine, Michael Knight. It is a rendering of mountain life, echoing, for the most part, of days gone by, of adventures, of quirky happenings, live and thumping bluegrass music, and the precious little moments to make us smile as we relive them in our advanced years.

The majority of the haiku which you will read are based off of poetic, comic and historic moments which I experienced this summer and this Thanksgiving-- some of the most glorious times of my entire life.

over the creek
testing each stepping stone
. . . woops!

Mountain Girl at peace:
     barefoot in the grass along
          Elkhorn Creek Road

where the mountain meets the sky
my prayers go


        racing home
cursing the clock

cross-legged on the mountaintop
the rhythm of my breath


windows rolled down
        on the Mountain Parkway
the air has changed

snowflakes caught
in his lashes
melting as he smiles


Kentucky rain
sprinkling down
the sides of the cave

cupped in father's open hand
his father's
prized pocket watch


Days Gone By

warm summer sun
peaking through the willows
calm waters erupt

splashing in the creek
laughter echoes across the hills

in the distance
vague figures appear
with binoculars

tan bodies
running to the clothes pile

labored breathing
shouts of delight
eager anticipation

following the smell
applepie on the windowsill

Raquel Burns & Michael Knight

The Mountains

morning mist
at the peaks
jack pines sway

head of the holler
ruts in the road

barefoot on the porch
chew glass overflowing
telling me a tale

moonshine stills
loud banjo pickin’

sewing circle gossip
pin pricked fingers
littleuns trying to keep up

bathtime in the wash tub
muddy pawprints

evening bible reading
iced tea
papaw Leo snores

cliff-diving with Kinny
long walk home

Raquel Burns & Michael Knight


© 2005, Randy Brooks • Millikin University
All rights returned to authors upon publication.