Haiku Matching Contest

(select your favorite for each pair and write it in the box below the pairs)
(then select favorites of those pairs, etc... until one is the top pick)

Haiku Roundtable--Fall 2005

in the house
nothing but shouting
no one is listening

the rocking chair rocks
next to the cradle
. . . no crying

late to work
reaching up to knot
the missing tie

4 a.m.
eating a Snicker's
first day of duck season




top quarter champion



top half champion



bottom quarter champion




moonlight glance
moving closer
we lose our tongues

bedroom light
our secrets
kept in darkness

Saturday morning
waking up next to her
crumpled panties

cold cement
the only call allowed
to your parents


top half champion






bottom half champion


I creep down the hallway
to see the first snow

watching leaves fall
i hope my friend
doesn't see me

turn the key
open the door . . .
ah, empty dorm room

roommate gone
for the weekend
I sleep naked




top quarter champion



bottom half champion



bottom quarter champion




the wind through my hair
as I walk away
to “my place” by the tracks

cold wind blowing
through the empty playground
no child's voice heard

christmas eve
watching infomercials
with the volume turned down

coffee table
milk and cookies gone
Christmas morning

© 2005, Randy Brooks • Millikin University
All rights returned to authors upon publication.