Haiku Matching Contest 3 - missing

Haiku Roundtable • Fall 2010

umarked tape
accidentally recording over
your baby video

broken radio
makes the trip
so much longer

i watch her check
every few minutes
no texts

lazy sunday
my mother forgetting
to call




top quarter champion


top half champion

bottom quarter champion



river of tears—
she buries herself
in his coat

cigarette still smoldering
in the ashtray
of an ex lover

in darkness
I trace the lines
of his lips

scarlet dress
she looses
her way home


top half champion



bottom half champion

my new country home
more stars
than wishes

in all directions
the sea
and me

home alone
on a Friday night,
creaking of stairs...

lost in thoughts
I open my eyes
to darkness




top quarter champion


bottom half champion

bottom quarter champion



the first night
nobody asks
where mommy is

dandy lion fluff
she gazes over
the grave

pigtails bouncing
she misses the cracks
in the sidewalk

autumn colors
in the nursery I reach
for my daughter

Double Matching Contest Grand Champion


first champion


Grand champion


second champion

Double Matching Contest Grand Champion

string quartet
the collection hat filling
with snow

public library—
he peers through shelves
at a potential friend

digging a hamster’s grave
he whaps the ground
with a hoe

A flick to the lady bug
inconveniencing his studies
up, up, and away!




top quarter champion


top half champion

bottom quarter champion



blood moon
her brother attempts
suicide again

a dark cloak
and a slight of hand
blood money

heart racing
he pulls on
her string

h i s
W e d d i n g
t a n
l i n e
s l o w l y
v a n i s h i n g


top half champion



bottom half champion

sunday morning
every blanket kicked
to the floor

secret ballot:
my aunt whispering
to vote democratic

crowd in a football stadium
does the wave—
tree leaves rustle in the wind

Abe Lincoln statue—
red and brown leaves
sink into his lap




top quarter champion


bottom half champion

bottom quarter champion



third shift; a train passes
over Main and
under Water

whited out city street
driving slowly
to Christmas dinner

central park
the runner and beggar watching
the same sunrise

shrouded moon
the raccoon scavenges
sniffing carefully

© 2010, Randy Brooks • Millikin University
All rights returned to authors upon publication.