Selected Haiku

Brian Patrick Kenny

Global Haiku Tradition
Millikin University, Spring 2000

Brian Kenny

Less is more. During the past semester's haiku roundtable, this lesson has perhaps been the hardest to learn. My poetic background had previously been in free verse or more "traditional" forms of writing poetry. Writing haiku forced me to alter the style I was accustomed to using. The following haiku are the product of that experiment in changing styles.

My haiku have a tendency to want to tell a story, minus the role of the narrator. They can almost be described as walking onto a theatre stage covered in props and settings with the actors or the plot, leaving the viewer to co-create the remnants of the play.

At best these haiku have enabled myself as a writer to be able to let go of some of the creative reigns and let the reader create the story along with me.

—Brian Patrick Kenny

ink scribbles
inside the matchbook
empty glass at the bar

each dance
one step closer

at the checkout line
the computer beeps
price tag dangling from the rose



skid marks . . .
at the side of the road
a wooden cross

through the storm
and above the cemetery
a ray of sunlight



Across the Pacific . . .
Her footprints washed away

©2001 Randy Brooks, Millikin University, Decatur, Illinois || all rights reserved for original authors