Haiku from Edward Hopper's Paintings

James Brett

Global Haiku Tradition
Millikin University, Spring 2001

James Brett

Brett's Haiku


Haiku from Edward Hopper's Paintings

In this project, I meditated on some of my favorite paintings by Edward Hopper and wrote haiku out of the moments in those paintings.

These are imaginative readings of the painting as well as the re-interpretation of the moments as drama—the motives, emotions, and actions of the characters set in motion.

—James Brett


at sunset
the young widow
boards another train

Compartment C, Car 923

leaning into the wind
for the boy below
Mother chuckles quietly

Second Story Sunlight

his favorite red dress
after work

Apartment in New York


spring night breeze
she breathes and smiles
he reads

Office At Night

after reciting each line
she contemplates
her empty bed

New York Movie


summer midnight
strangers bonding in silence
over coffee



©2001 Randy Brooks, Millikin University, Decatur, Illinois || all rights reserved for original authors