Seasons of Water

Photography by Gretchen Batz & haiku by Nancy Wiley
Elsah, Illinois

click a photo to begin

00waterwave 01afterspringsnow 01watertulip 02outoverthelake 03firstcrocus
03watersnow 04overrocksandmoss 05twomallards 05waterplants 06weedingtheiris
07ontheshore 08floridashoreline 09pondfish 09waterpuddles 10mycanoeskirtsthem
11twogreatblueherons 11waterwaves 12northon95 13topheavywithcones 14swayingspanishmoss
14waterbench 15alargeseagrapeleaf 16lateagain 17newblackboots 17watericycles
18groomingeachother 19acardinalwaits 19waterfrozenfield 20atdawn 21thepondinsummer

Brooks Books Online
6 Madera Court
Taylorville, Illinois 62568

photo index page

Seasons of Water: Haiku & Photography
© Gretchen Batz & Nancy Wiley, 2002