Spring Haiku


a cool spring breeze . . .
flowers swaying side to side
in the meadow

Jake S.


gasping for breath--
broken ribbon
behind me

Allison Weber


mist over the pond . . .
the moonlight shines
off the water like glass

Janet Hunter


tractor in the field . . .
the doe and her fawn
run from the noise

Joshua Augenbargh


Dad collects eggs
beneath the clucking hen . . .
breeze blows shut the door

Jason Linton


a pig's snout peaking out . . .
horses gallop away
in the sunset

Kyli Streckfuss


the rolling hills . . .
I sit under a tree
with my book

Katie Flemming


high mountain peak . . .
an eagle soars
high above

Jeremy Krall


sun beams
through the branches--
the winding trail

Stacia Burns

Spring Haiku Summer Haiku Autumn Haiku Winter Haiku

Warrensburg-Latham Middle School
sixth grade students writing project

 November 1998
©1998 Brooks Books

Randy M. Brooks, Ph.D.
workshop leader & editor