ANOTHER TRIP AROUND THE SUN: 365 Days of Haiku for Children Young and Old

edited by Jessica Malone Latham

Jessica Malone Latham, Editor. Another Trip Around the Sun: 365 Days of Haiku for Children Young and Old

ISBN 978-1-929820-20-7 • 2019
cover & illustrations by Jessica Sebok
184 pages paperback • $30.00 USD

publication date: November 9, 2019

Brooks Books is pleased to celebrate the publication of this new anthology featuring haiku by 80 authors.

From the Editor's Preface:

Though each poem in this collection may not be a direct reflection of childhood, it is my wish that each poem ignites a discussion or creates a spark of curiosity. For when we live with curiousity and openness, the miracle of the present moment comes through.

My vision for this collection is for these poems to be read each day throughout the year. Read them with your child or grandchild, gift them to a friend whose children no longer live at home to spark memories from the past, or spontaneously sift through the book on a cloud-drift day. Spend time savoring each poem, share memories, or write poems together inspired by that day’s haiku.

~ Jessica Malone Latham


About the Editor:

Jessica Malone Latham is an award-winning poet and author of several poetry collections. Her first collection, Cricket Song: Haiku and Short Poems from a Mother’s Heart (Red Moon Press, 2017), was shortlisted for a Touchstone Distinguished Book Award. Most recently, Jessica is a Touchstone Award recipient for her individual poem, “crown of thorns.” Jessica’s work has appeared in A New Resonance 11 (Red Moon Press), Golden Triangle Haiku, and The Holden Arboretum’s Season of Haiku Interpretive Trail, among others.


cover graphic

ISBN 978-1-929820-20-7
184 pages

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Publisher's Prescription

Another Trip Around the Sun: 365 Days of Haiku for Children Young and Old is a prescription to nourish your soul. Your prescription is to read one haiku a day. Too often our lives are too full, too packed with things
to do, places to be, problems to solve, worries and troubles to carry. We recommend that you find a way to hit the pause button, to take a time out, to stop the rush ... to find a moment of peace and quiet, to take a deep cleansing breath, to let yourself go and receive the blessings of this day, this place, this time, this moment. This is the essential gift of haiku.

~ Randy & Shirley Brooks


January 1

New Year's Day
breaking apart
the jigsaw puzzle

kjmunro, Canada


February 3

frosted fields
the constant hunger
for daylight

Anna Maris, Sweden


March 9

bird song
a note slipped
under my door

Holli Rainwater, USA



April 22

budding lilacs
drawer full
of unfinished projects

Aubrie Cox Warner, USA


May 16

sweet peas—
holding hands
under the table

Anne Dunnett, Canada


June 15

graduation day—
   my son and I side by side
      knotting our ties

Lee Gurga, USA


July 1

new love . . .
offering the firefly
cupped in my hands

Elliot Nicely, USA


August 2

campfire sparks—
our shadows touch
behind us

Martha Magenta, UK


September 4

bone density . . .
the broken stems
of sunflowers

Debbie Strange, Canada


October 13

tattered cobweb—
a spider's ghost

Antoinette Cheung, Canada


November 6

crescent moon
a child asks
if it's broken

Lucy Whitehead, UK


December 12

falling snow
how quietly you take root
in my womb

Jessica Malone Latham, USA

Haiku Poet Index

Aaron Barry · Adelaide B. Shaw · Alan S. Bridges · Alan Summers · Amy Losak · Angela Terry · Anna Maris · Anne Dunnett · Antoinette Cheung · Aubrie Cox Warner ·

Brad Bennett · Bruce H. Feingold ·

Christina Chin · Claire Vogel Camargo · Colleen M. Farrelly · Corine Timmer ·

Debbie Strange · Djurdja Vukelic Rozic · Doris Lynch ·

elehna de sousa · Ellen Compton · Elliot Nicely · Elmedin Kadric · Engin Gülez ·

Frank Higgins ·

Garry Gay · Gregory Longenecker · Gregory Piko ·

Helen Buckingham · Holli Rainwater · Huguette Ducharme ·

Ignatius Fay ·

Jacquie Pearce · Jeff Hoagland · Jessica Malone Latham · Jo Balistreri · Julie Warther ·

Kala Ramesh · Karen Hoy · Kathleen Tice · kjmunro ·

Lee Gurga · Luce Pelletier · Lucy Whitehead ·

Marcyn Del Clements · Marion Clarke · Mark Gilbert · Martha Magenta · Mary Stevens · Michael H. Lester · Michael McClintock · Mimi Ahern ·

Neal Whitman · Nikolay Grankin ·

Olivier Schopfer ·

Pamela Cooper · paul m. ·

Rachel Sutcliffe · Radostina Dragostinova · Randy Brooks · Rebecca Lilly · Reka Nyitrai · Rick Clark · Robert Epstein · Robert Gilliland · Robert Piotrowski ·

Sandra Simpson · Seren Fargo · Sharon Pretti · Sheila Sondik · Skylar Kay · Stephanie Baker · Sue Colpitts · Suraja Menon Roychowdhury · Sylvia Forges-Ryan ·

Tiffany Shaw-Diaz · Tom Sacramona ·

Vandana Parashar · Vasile Moldovan · Vicki McCullough