Haiku to Edit 2 Results

Global Haiku • Millikin University • Fall 2013

leaves crunch
under my bike tires
I like it


babies crunch
under my bike tires
I like it

leaves crunch
under my bike tires
mouse bones

the old woman straightens
her husband's tie
unspoken love


the old woman
straightens her husband's tie
unspoken love

the old woman
straightens his tie
unspoken love

old woman
straightens her husband's tie
divorce court

open coffin
the frail woman fixes
her husband's tie

the old woman
straightens her husband's tie
honey in his beard

old woman tightens
her husband's tie
tough love

Her tired hands
Straighten his tie
Unspoken love

the old woman
straightening her husband's tie
her gesture of love

the frail woman fixes
her husband's tie
just like always

his tie is straightened
by his wife's hands
an unspoken love

straightening his tie
her husband smiles
this is love

straightens his tie
her unspoken love
in a random act

her tired hands
straightens his tie
unspoken love

as though everything
is okay


my friend's dad
hugging me
not okay


I want to be there
but the smoke
suffocates me


smoker's circle
the politics
suffocating me

in my smoke
you are there
suffocating me

I want to save them
smoke billows
as the second tower falls

The smoke
Suffocates me
And confines me

I want to be there
but smoke suffocates me
grandma's house

avoiding the bonfire
the smoke
suffocates me

night life thrills,
by smoke

the suffocating smoke
is the cause for my absence
still, a desire to be there

The smoke
suffocates me
they ruin their healthy lungs

smoking couple
behind them
I cough loudly

the smoke
suffocates me
and confines me

tracing hearts
on your hand

Sarah Mann

study hall
tracing hearts
on his hand

sitting alone
tracing hearts
in the sand

summer dusk
a distant scream
the old train tracks


summer dusk
a distant scream
on the train track

a distant scream
from the train track
dusk settles

a distant scream
the old train tracks
dusk settles in

A distant scream
The old train tracks
Dusk settles in

a distant scream
the old train tracks
dusk settles in

summer dusk
walking along the rails
of abandoned train tracks

fresh fall breeze
the soles of my feet
enjoy the challenge


fresh fall breeze
pounding soles
the challenge


my tears run free
museum fetus


science museum


the walls
speak to me
my grandma's old home


the walls
speak to me
my grandma's house

grandma's old house
the walls
speak to her

grandma's house
she's always listens
to the walls

old house
the walls
speak to her

the yellow wallpaper
of her country home
speak out

the walls
speak to me

memories rush
inside my head
grandma's old home




© 2013, Randy Brooks • Millikin University
All rights returned to authors upon publication.