Haiku to Edit 1

Global Haiku • Millikin University • July 2018

cut • add • replace • rearrange

cut non-essentials • add context or scene • replace with stronger images • rearrange the order of perception


scrolling on old friends' facebooks
I find their pictured lives
better than mine




on these lonely nights
I let the rain
caress me to sleep





Sad songs only
Act as temporary





shoes scattered around
the sound of kid’s laughter
fills the air




laying on the beach
enjoying the lovely views
only coming home with sunburns





September dove hunt
seeing sunflowers in the field
bird down beer in hand





sunset over the trees
fresh coffee brewing





Summer fun
lemonade stand
a breeze under the shade tree





in grandpa’s barn













perfume and air fresheners
seatbelts and glass
no pulse







smoke and onion
brings a smile
cooking at dinner





warm bed—good sleep
nature calls
cold seat




combine these 2 attempts into 1 new haiku:

black and dry
bacon and potatoes
. . . favorite moments

burnt onions
swings and weekends
quality time




combine these 2 attempts into 1 new haiku:

bug-eyed child 
stand still watches 

old sewing machine  
she works from
curious child she learns



© 2018, Randy Brooks • Millikin University
All rights returned to authors upon publication.