Global Haiku • July 2022
Dr. Randy Brooks

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Thomas Gaines
Thomas Gaines

Haiku Collection

Thomas Gaines

I wrote most of my poems on one of two things, running, and an old ex. They are both close to my heart and are probably two of the most important things in my life. I hope this came through in my haiku!

at the starting line
the hardest barrier
is your own mind

burning coals
never die out
she returns to me

warm Sunday sun
breaks perfect naps
she smiles in yawns

eating alone
nothing tastes
as good as hers

lying in a field
I talk to myself
don’t interrupt

a group of runners
honking cars
slender middle fingers

lovely views
spacious mountains
endless paths to take

stones turn to sand
peace still out of reach
stretch a bit further

band of brothers
switching houses and lives
week by week

© 2022, Randy Brooks • Millikin University
All rights returned to authors upon publication.