Haiku Kukai 02 Favorites

Global Haiku • Millikin University • Winter 2024


mother and daughter
strolling in the sun
gossip and laughter

Danielle Piper

I liked #1 because I felt a connection with my mom and I through it. We share each other’s gossip with each other all the time, so this brought me back to a fun car ride with my mom. She had spilt all her work drama as I told her about all my friend drama and what to do about it. Hailie Schafman, May 2024

I chose this haiku as one of my favorites because it has such a happy tone to it. It highlights the mother daughter bond that is such a special thing. It makes me think of me and my mother and the special bond we share.Kylie Villarreal, May 2024


night walk with friends
fireflies light the path ahead
endless summer

Terrion White

I enjoyed this haiku immensely because walking at night on darker paths or in darker areas is something my friends and I do often in the summer. While we don’t often focus on little things like fireflies, we do see little lights and say “oh let’s walk to there” or something along those lines and during those times it feels like the night goes on forever because of how the time past when you are with your best friends. Jacob Bullock, May 2024


bright lights flicker
streets hum 
the city’s heartbeat

Terrion White

This haiku captures the lively energy of a city at night. "Bright lights flicker" brings to mind neon signs and streetlights. "Streets hum" makes me think of the sounds of traffic and people. Calling it "the city’s heartbeat" is a great way to describe how alive and full of energy the city feels. This haiku really makes you feel the pulse and excitement of urban life. Alex Wozniak, May 2024


only three legs
old dog
still perfect to me

Danielle Piper

This haiku put me in the state of mind that not everyone or thing is perfect to the outside world but if it is perfect to you then that is all that matters. For example, it is easy for a person to walk or drive by someone with their dog and wonder why they would like that dog at all, but the dog owner may see it as the perfect dog and the best they ever will have. I think this also applies to things other than dogs but that was the first example that came to my mind. Jacob Bullock, May 2024


spring petals
hit my face


empty water bottle
late at night
under the bridge


white long van
looking for kids
the ice cream man


slobbery tongue
yanking and pulling
my dog likes walks

Thomas Hills


music playing on the boat
next to us
sun set in the distance

Kylie Villarreal


a boy gifts flowers
to his mother again
the grave site full


4 scars on her wrist
an untold story
the willow weeps

Tara Becker


everywhere I look
all I see is flags
they do not wave back


dancing in the rain 
like no one is watching 
with no cares

Reed Pierson


whistle blows
recess over
back to reality

Jacob Bullock

I really liked this poem because recess was my favorite time as a kid. Whether we were playing basketball, soccer, or hopscotch. It was always an escape from school and so enjoyable. This haiku brought very nostalgic emotions. I can hear the whistle blow and the wave of dread over me as I walked in my single file line back inside the school. Danielle Piper, May 2024

I really enjoy this haiku, because it is very relatable. As a kid, my favorite part of elementary school was recess. I absolutely loved it. My grade in particular was extremely competitive. We would always play games like kickball, basketball, soccer, or ultimate football. We were so competitive in fact, that we would get sports taken away at recess. It was truly the best part of the day. And there was nothing worse than when the teacher blew the whistle signaling that it was time to go back inside.

I really liked this haiku. It brought me back to my childhood and those moments in which you just get lost in your own worlds playing with your friends. The idea that something so small like a whistle blowing really puts the image into perspective and I really admire that wording. Tara Becker, May 2024


hook and line
hits the water
there is nothing calmer


that sound . . .
loud and annoying 
when will they go away

Reed Pierson

When I read this I immediately imagined those loud obnoxious  trains that are in Decatur while staying at school.That train always comes at the worst times and every time it's so loud. It was especially bad our freshman year while living in Dolson where the tracks ran right past our window so it could be the middle of the night and that's all I'd hear for hours. And don't let the window be open. It feels like the train is running right through the middle of your room. I can just picture the sound of the train blaring in my mind right now as I'm talking about it. Thomas Hills, May 2024


she brushes my hair
changes my sheets
my heart warmed

Lauren Killian

Reading this makes me think so much of my mom.When I was little she would always brush my hair for me and get me ready for bed.This just brings me back to the old days when life was simpler . When I was young, I didn't have to worry about much. Except what game I was going to play at recess the next day or what would  be for lunch.It also gets me thinking about how much my mom really did to care and look over me and how she still does to this day. No matter how old I am, I will always be her little boy. Thomas Hills, May 2024


pigtails and braids
mother combs
through the weeds

Lauren Killian

This is such a potent image so any girl. As someone who remembers bawling her eyes out and being threatened with a shaved head for not brushing her hair, I can understand the metaphor of a bunch a weeds. This a great comparison and good to know I was not alone in that experience. Tara Becker, May 2024


letters spread across my bed 
with dreams  
not my own

Hailie Schafman

This haiku made me imagine myself when i was little looking at all of the letters from prison my dad wrote me. He wrote letters of what he imagined we would do when he was released but the truth is he actually never knew anything about me. He was never a good listener. He would talk to me like I was a baby when I was 8 years old. I was already light-years ahead of what he ever accomplished. Even to this day, we don't talk much but when we do it's him doing all the talking. He forgets how old I am. This haiku just made me think of those times. Now and then I clean my room and find those letters and sit on my bed and read them. Lauren Killian, May 2024


sunburned face
under twinkling stars
you hold me

Abby Park


warm breeze 
through my hair 
a giant knot

Hailie Schafman


the river's gentle flow
carries leaves to new places
a quiet path

Alex Wozniak

This poem makes me think about nature and how it is filled with motion and energy. In the first line I am given a calm and serene setting and I think about all of the beautiful noises that the sounds of nature would be making. Leaves being carried reminds me of the constant motion that happens in nature. The circle of life is never ending and at all times of the day there is something happening. At the end I am brought back to a peaceful tone and it just feels very relaxing to have that familiarity. Collin Applegate, May 2024


silent park bench
the imprint of your hand
in the dust

Alex Wozniak


cold bathroom tile
steamy shower runs
the girl cries

Abby Park


Murph workout
pushups and pullups
two-mile run

Chance Cole


the lone survivor
the greatest movie ever
a true story


rock roads
endless vast country
blue sky and green gass

Blake Wiebe


spray tan statue
washed away
new light


desk chair squeaks 
on the classroom floor 
class finally done

Chance Cole

The squeak of a chair, the familiar setting of a classroom floor, and the joy of a class ending are all parts of the larger educational journey. They remind us that learning is not just about the absorption of knowledge but also about the experiences and emotions that accompany it.It reflects on the small but significant moments that make up our daily lives, emphasizing the universal relief and satisfaction that comes with the conclusion of a task. Terrion White, May 2024


a red toy car whizzes
through the summer night
pauses in the lamplight


she hears them
shouting in the other room
the wind picks up its pace


the invitations
never sent out
on the kitchen table

Tara Becker


old faces
same town
nothing has changed

Danielle Piper

This one makes me think about being home for the summer and seeing old people that I do not always want to see. It is nice being home for a bit but after a while I am ready to go back to school, because college people are different. Reed Pierson, May 2024

I really enjoy looking over this haiku. When I read this haiku I see faces of old friends or even people I have known from high school and my hometown. When it says the same town, I look back at my hometown and how it hasn’t changed. Looking at the last part about nothing has changed, I not only look at how my hometown hasn’t changed but also how many of the people I knew haven’t changed, and much of their attitudes haven’t either. Blake Wiebe, May 2024


early morning road trip
to the amusement park
cold cuts for lunch

Kendra Hentz


your ashes spread
at our favorite place
together again

Danielle Piper


palm trees dance
the sunset beams 
on warm red skin

Kendra Hentz

I enjoyed this haiku. When I read this haiku, I could only think about a trip I just took to Florida, enjoying the palm trees and hearing them sway in the wind. In the second part, I see the sunset over the ocean and how beautiful it was. Finally I see how sun burnt and red I got from the sun. Blake Wiebe, May 2024


nose to the ground
he leads
adventure on a leash

Terrion White


gazing at the scenic view
minutes turn
into hours

Kylie Villarreal


friends laugh together
applying her makeup

Kylie Villarreal

I really like #39 because I have felt the feeling of laughing with friends while getting ready to go out to a party. But secretly I was heartbroken, and my friends had no idea. I feel like this is a perfect depiction of how to hide your emotions from your friends to not ruin the night. When secretly you could be ‘rotting’ inside. Hailie Schafman, May 2024


grandfather's old cane
in my hand, it feels alive
echoes of the past


filled with children and laughter
my true home

Chance Cole

In this haiku I experience feelings of nostalgia and hope for the future, but also sadness. In regards to the neighborhood I feel that the speaker has a strong connection to it, but has moved on to a new area and looks back on all of the good memories that took place in the past. In the second line I think about the memories that the speaker had when playing with other children in the neighborhood. I also think about the positive associations that the word laughter brings. “My true home” tells me that the speaker has a strong sense of belonging in this neighborhood and that they are not comfortable anywhere else. Collin Applegate, May 2024


scared and alone
I lay in the bed
48 stitches


fish jumping
birds chirping
a million possibilities


fog on the lake
early morning
time slows

Jacob Bullock

This haiku paints a calm picture of an early morning by the lake. The fog makes everything feel quiet and still. "Time slows" perfectly describes how it feels to be in such a peaceful moment. It reminds me of those rare mornings where everything seems to pause, giving you a chance to just be and enjoy the quiet. Alex Wozniak, May 2024


letters from home
flowers laid one by one
free and brave


promises unwound 
moments lost in time 
echoes of what ifs

Hailie Schafman


fields of stone 
guardians of history 
now rest in peace 

Hailie Schafman


star gazing
hammock gently swings
broken wings

Lauren Killian


everyone off work—
to celebrate
the soldiers who aren’t

Thomas Hills

This is one of the best haiku I have ever read. This is very powerful to me. I think it truly embodies everything Memorial day is about. As children, often times, we often forget the true meaning of soldiers’ sacrifice. We are just happy that we do not have to go to school or work.  This  is a reminder of why we Celebrate Memorial Day. I love the juxtaposition of the civilians back home celebrating  because of the ultimate sacrifice all our armed force members make.

I like this one because sometimes I feel like people forget why we are off work. Yes, you can have fun but you also need to remember that there are people who fought for us so that we can have fun. Reed Pierson, May 2024


see you soon
doesn’t feel the same
talking to his headstone

Thomas Hills

This haiku considers the complexities of grief and the ways in which we cope with the absence of loved ones. The phrase "see you soon" becomes a bittersweet reminder of the past and a hopeful gesture that now feels out of place. The haiku captures the essence of mourning—the yearning for connection, the confrontation with the reality of loss, and the enduring love that persists despite the separation. Terrion White, May 2024


the old couple walking by 
with their dog
i want to be like that 

Reed Pierson

This haiku made me smile. Anytime I see an older couple with a dog they seem so complete and at peace. Often dogs are there to bind a family or serve as emotional support. An older couple walking their dog is truly what I'd want in my future. Kendra Hentz, May 2024


dressed neatly on a gravestone
memories flooding back

Collin Applegate

This haiku is bittersweet thinking about past loved ones. Every memorial day my mother and I dress the headstones of family members who are no longer with us. Its a tradition we practice every year to embrace the love we have for those who are gone.  Kendra Hentz, May 2024


it’s so damn hot out
I stay indoors with AC
and enjoy the quiet

Cory Davis

This haiku reminded me of how miserable summer can be. I enjoy staying cool and enjoying my air conditioner in my home. Kendra Hentz, May 2024


watermelon juice
dripping down his face
fireworks boom

Collin Applegate


sirens shriek
compressions sink deep
time 0043

Abby Park

I chose this haiku because it reminds me of my major and my future career. Upon reading this haiku I immediately knew it was referring to performing CPR at 12:43 am. It makes me wonder what the outcome of performing the CPR was and what caused this to happen.Kylie Villarreal, May 2024

Wow I loved this haiku. I could really imagine it. It was clever of them to do the rhyming. I have only ever experienced a full code 3 times. It is extremely scary. Your adrenaline is through the roof, and it feels like time freezes but passes by so quickly at the same time. This haiku was relatable and it hit me at the heart. CPR is not a gentle maneuver by any means, the compressions are violently tough and they sink so deep into the patient. You get to a point during the event where you have to stop CPR and time is called. That's the saddest. It feels like a huge weight on your chest. All you can do is remind yourself you did your absolute best. Lauren Killian, May 2024


midnight snowfall
our footprints side by side
melt with morning light


ribs cracking
in between small fingers
no pulse

Abby Park

This haiku was very relatable because I am a nursing student. I've seen CPR done on shows and I have practiced on fake mannequins before. However, there is nothing like the first time seeing and doing it on a real person. I can hear and feel the ribs cracking of the lifeless body beneath my small hands. This is a very powerful poem for the people in healthcare. Danielle Piper, May 2024

© 2024, Randy Brooks • Millikin University
All rights returned to authors upon publication.