Global Haiku • Summer 2024
Dr. Randy Brooks

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Chance Cole

Adversity & Health Haiku

Chance Cole

Haiku has Japanese origin. Typically in America, we write haiku in the 5 7 5 syllable format. But a haiku is any three line poem that is equal to or less than 17 syllables. As an author, I get most of my inspiration form my own personal experience. I like writing about things i have been through, hope to achieve, or just make me happy. I believe being in touch with who we are is a crucial aspect of life, so it is where I get most of my ideas when I write haiku.

the weight of the world
 on my back

five page essay
due in the morning
I lose sleep

country music
I listen with joy
I’m free

home away form home
my happy place

snow in my face
flying down the mountain
what a rush


crystal blue pool
a child laughs
splashes all around

morning run
one foot after the other
a search for peace

© 2024, Randy Brooks • Millikin University
All rights returned to authors upon publication.