Global Haiku • Summer 2024
Dr. Randy Brooks

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Danielle Piper




Moments of My Summer

Danielle Piper

The approach I take to writing my haiku is based on personal experiences. I take my emotions and feelings I felt in a certain moment and often compare them to experiences in nature. I like to be able to set a scene for the reader and make the haiku very straightforward and easy to understand what I was feeling. Enjoy some of my favorite haiku I've wrote this course! This title relates to my haiku because I wrote all of my haiku based on the emotions I was feeling that day when I wrote them. Each day I turned in my haiku was something that I saw or experienced that day. I selected these haiku because I felt like they described what I was going through this summer the most.

miles between us 
all worth it 
when I touch your face again

wrapped in blankets 
tired body
put to rest

grass stained socks
ball at my feet
trying to make her proud 

headphones in 
lifting the weight 
my personal escape

mother and daughter
strolling in the sun
gossip and laughter

sandy footprints
washed away
my stess evaporates

© 2024, Randy Brooks • Millikin University
All rights returned to authors upon publication.