Global Haiku • Summer 2024
Dr. Randy Brooks

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Reed Pierson





Summer Emotions

Reed Pierson

The author of this collection is me Reed Pierson. I want to tell you a little about myself and why I have decided to pick these haiku of mine. First off I will be a senior in college at Millikin University. My major is Human Services and I want to be a social worker when I get done with college and grand school. I am about to be 21 years old in just a couple of months. I have from Mt.Zion IL just about 20 minutes from Millikin. I love my friends and my boyfriend. My collection is going to be able all the different emotions people can go through in the summer being with your hometown friends, but also for me having to so long distance. Which is way harder than I thought. I hope you enjoy my haiku.

old friends 
drinking beers
i’ve thought I would never miss high school

long day 
time difference 
i’ve never needed my boyfriend so bad

I’m burnt out
i like my college sport 
but I need at break

the smell of popcorn
not a great breakfast
but she’s eating 

© 2024, Randy Brooks • Millikin University
All rights returned to authors upon publication.