PACE Global Haiku • PACE July 2013
Dr. Randy Brooks

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Linda Graves

Memories how they linger

Linda Graves

this collection is delicated to
my late husband, Larry L. Graves


The title of this collection is "Memories how they linger" and I wrote these haiku in memory of my late husband who was truely my soul-mate. He died in 2004 in a horrific explosion. I thought that my life was over, but I took on many challenges and moved forward because not only for our children's sake, but because I knew that is what he would had wanted me to do.

I was born in 1960, the daughter of the late John and Alice Carson. I am also the 6th child of 10 siblings. I live in Decatur, Illinois and have two wonderful children Shanisha Graves-Roth, and Shamar Graves. I am the grandmother of three lovely granddaughters who had truly brought me so much joy. I am a student at Milliken University and I am going for my Bachelor's Degree in Organizational Leadership. I have worked with the elderly and the younger generation for over 30 years. My love for people has brought me into the social services field where I am now a Family Advisor at Anna Waters Head Start. I wrote these haiku because they are very passionate to me, and they brought back so many memories from my pass. I hope you like them.

This book has really brought me sadness, but also joy. I know that it will help you in some way move forward in your life, because our love ones who has pass on is never forgotten, but a memory of a legacy that is now in a better place.

in the month of May
the sun is hot
birds fly to keep cool


falling to the floor
I watch a flower blown
summer time

those who left legacy behind
no more conversations


sweet memories
whispering in his ears

summer heat
church special event


kicking softly inside
joyful sounds
meet for the first time

sleepless nights
toss and turn
tears over flow again


no more laughter today
pain too hard to comprehend
prayers the answer


© 2013, Randy Brooks • Millikin University
All rights returned to authors upon publication.