PACE Global Haiku • PACE September 2009
Dr. Randy Brooks

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Trudy Karr

Selected Haiku

Trudy Karr

I started this class thinking, as so many do, that a haiku is a poem comprised of three lines with 5 syllables in the first line, 7 syllables in the second line, and 5 syllables in the third line. Within the first hour of class I would learn that was a misconception learned in grade school.

I was not alone in this concept, because everyone I told about this Global Haiku class said, “Well, if it isn’t a 5-7-5 poem, then what is it?” At first I really did not know how to answer that question. Over the past five weeks, I have come to learn that haiku is many things. I have learned that haiku is an art of expression, a few words strung together to evoke emotion or memories. I believe the greatest thing about haiku is that it allows the reader to create their own ideas; it is not restrictive and definitive.

I learned that in different cultures haiku take on different forms and are an important form of socialization and expression.

My personal approach to writing haiku is very reflective of my approach to life. I like haiku that are direct and to the point, that grabs your attention right away and gets the point across. I found it difficult to allow myself to branch out and write things that didn’t seem to be connected or make sense. When selecting favorites, if I came across a haiku that had a line that didn’t seem to “fit”, I found myself immediately disregarding that haiku because it didn’t make sense to me. This class has taught me to look a little deeper and not be afraid to examine something that does not immediately make sense.

crisp autumn air
the leaves turn
to fire

the creak of the porch swing
the silence between us

salt on the rim
tequilla and lime
girls night out


safe in the basement
my child says
let's go home


On this day eight strangers
stand side by side
in dark suits with serious faces

Raise your right hand
I do solemnly swear…

the badge placed in their hand
will bring them together
a newfound family

they will support each other
from this point forward

As a group they will train
they will learn
they will grow

never breaking the bond
that was made on this day


© 2009, Randy Brooks • Millikin University
All rights returned to authors upon publication.