EN340 / IN350 Global Haiku Tradition
Dr. Randy Brooks
Spring 2003
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Selected Haiku

Miranda Baker

Author's Preface

Over the semester, I have written numerous haiku. I now have an appreciation for haiku. I have developed a way to use more of my imagination when reading haiku.

After reflecting about my works, I began to see a pattern in my haiku. On occasion I use emotion, but I mostly like to allow my readers form their own emotion by using their imaginations.

I am driven to write haiku because I enjoy writing about meaningful moments in my life experiences, goals and dreams as seen throughout my collection.

—Miranda Baker

When I came to college, I had never heard of haiku. However, after reading Miranda Baker's haiku, I got a feel of what haiku is. Haiku is written about a moment in life, and describing the moment in a concise manner by using only three lines. I can relate to Miranda's haiku because they describe situations that I have encountered throughout my life such as travel and love.

cloud of smoke
clanging of coins

Vegas casino

I enjoyed this haiku because I have traveled to Las Vegas. The major attraction in Vegas are the casinos. I believe this haiku gives a good visual of what a casino is like. The haiku appeals to my senses because I can hear the clanging of the coins, smell the cigarettes, and see the clouds of smoke. Over the semester I have enjoyed reading Miranda's haiku. I regret not taking a haiku course during my college career.

—Meghan Morgan

elbow to elbow
buttery popcorn melting in my mouth
lights begin to dim

windy afternoon
the rippling sound
of her kite

surrounded by family
taking her last—



of her wedding
groom's face a blur

at work
gossiping with friends
my day off



after the injection
she hands the child
a sticker

         County Fair 

neon lights   
Ferris wheel—
seen for miles 

    carnival booth  
    stuffed animal prizes 

sold out grandstand
girls competing for
the title 

    tractor tires dig
    black smoke fills the air 

sultry night
dirty sandaled feet
the smell of livestock 

    4-H building
    state fair hopefuls

Miranda Baker
Joann Kincade


©2003 Randy Brooks, Millikin University, Decatur, Illinois || all rights reserved for original authors