In the Dark Haiku Matching Contest • Spring 2006

a power outage
the windowless room

resetting the breaker
a cobweb
brushes my forehead

dying campfire
the bugs
now chirping

peeling my skin
off of his
even the moon sweats




top quarter champion =



top half champion =


bottom quarter champion =




a midnight cloud
obscures the moon
and the path ahead

a starless sky
I find my way home
by memory

the crescent moon
above the tracks
and the willows

illuminated skin
the curve of your back
follows the moon



top half champion =



grand champion =


bottom half champion =


shadows suppress
the bright colors
caressing the corner

born blind,
he imagines
what the colors are like

by the blackness
of a new moon

shadows attack
as the clouds swallow
the sun




top quarter champion =



bottom half champion =


bottom quarter champion =




midnight blue
as my eyes adjust
to the night

the slave slips away
in the night

I see clearly
until awaken

liquid at my feet
spilt pop
in the movie theater

© 2006, Randy Brooks • Millikin University
All rights returned to authors upon publication.