Rengay Attempts

Global Haiku Tradition--Rengay Attempts 1, Spring 2007

moonlight illuminates your eyes
no words needed
I know what you want

treading in dark waters
raindrops hit her bare skin

headlights in the driveway
we scramble to put our clothes on
my wife unlocks the door

I watch smoke linger through her hair
as she twirls on the pole

running through the fresh cut grass
she watches…
his illegitimate child

winter snow stirs the papers
the end is just as cold

over the din
smoke curls beneath

gliding... the ball sinks
into the corner pocket

holding the cold beer
no one
hears their song

slinky red dress
drinking ... clinging
to her new companion

in his eyes the smile
of her father

last call
stumbling out
leaving a mess in their wake


trickling down
from the sky a puddle is made

nearby the kids
splash and play

the car brakes
swerving over the line
the child lays restless

thunder booms
as the man
gets out of his car

he drops to his knees
to see his reflection in the red puddle

the rainbow peeks through
and the boy drops a tear
his fate is near

Saturday morning
working out
with my iPod

jamming along
feeling the burn

to the tune
"Fire & Ice"
my favorite

by the memorable Pat Benatar
don't forget "Heartbreaker"

golden oldies
move over
make way for the new

JT, Beyonce & Kayne
are taking over so I can burn
calories to their tunes

In the rooms the women
come and go

Drip, drop, drip
Drive fast home
Long walk in

when the eyes shift
they forget

Many words are spoken
Seldom any heard
Repeat from the beginning please

distantly remarking
we sit far away
next to each other

warm toned voices
thoughts are cold

long after the day
the voices
haunt our steps

are we there yet
family vacations
great times

stuck together
without air conditioning

we reach
the destination

the world's largest
prairie dog

the anticipation
is no over
what a waste

together with family
all that matters


Afternoon Tide

sun baked sand
the seashell washes away
and back again

the wind lifts your hair
I watch you smile

seagulls fight
a lone whitefish
forgotten in the old net

the wave comes in
and fills our footprints

yellow striped awnings
enclose the porch
eggsalad sandwiches for lunch

the small child
naps in the shade

Retreating back into the dark
The creature rests
And digests the nutritious blood

An old man
Polishes his bifocals

8 legged
Hairy, crawling, predators

The clock strikes midnight
Outside tires screech across the pavement

Muzzle that loud
incessant barking canine

An owl sits
It is waiting
For a small rodent treat

Fat, Swimming, Hungry
Largemouth Bass


picking kitties
renewed friendship
mom’s speaking to me again

spring time
the birth of new animals

undying love
he whispers
…we don’t know a baby’s listening

winter comes
birth awaits

old photographs
life’s experiences
in those smiles

life ends
seasons come and go


Virtually Reality

Eyes scan the screen
Fingers twitch -

The gamers are unresponsive
To the world around them.

Saving princesses
As their lives
Pass them by.

Reality is never quite
As interesting as fiction.

Immersed in fantasy
Wishing life
Was something more

Staring at the sky…
Head in the clouds.

their future career
two girls thinking
the difference between life and death

patients lives
hanging in the balance

maintaining friendly faces
while give medications
that may stop a heart

caring and compassionate
how a nurse should be

we secretly wish
all nurses could be held
to this standard

The Loner

Early morning
Birds chirp
Signaling a new day

The skies lighten
Stars and moon disappear

Cars on the highway
Engines straining audibly
Headlights turn off

A lone hitchhiker
Gets back to his work

Cars pass by-
Drivers pretend
Not to notice him

The man lowers his head
Ashamed of his anonymity

The Holiday

cold wind
they nap off
the Easter ham

candles burn low
burnt cinnamon

the half empty
bottle of wine

snores invade
and mix with laughter

tea kettle whistle
hands touch
under the table

a fork hits
the wooden floor

snow on the roof
hiding under the covers

watching movies

a long awaited
together at last

talking of memories
and times past

the movie gets
turned off

now more serious
future plans
deep conversation

lit cigarette
she opens the window

stars burn above

ashes hit the
dark road
deer crossing

hooves hit the pavement
moon hovers

an owl swoops
and collects his prey
late-night snack

pine tree scents
in the air



Tails wagging
As your great
Happiness is always sweet

Warily I come home
A long journey has passed

Arf arf arf
What do I hear
music to my ears

different languages out loud
back and forth

I understand
Does she?

Emotions are universal
This is life
No dress rehearsal.

end of college

We talk to learn
we have different cultures
better then a classroom

only for four years
friends last forever

Spring we depart
we meet again in the fall
school schedule ends...

empty house
myself left to my thoughts
all the things i should do

Time for a schedule
I become an adult

four years later
i look back
seeing no importance in class

my bare feet
into the warm sand

birds fly overhead
sun beats down

the sounds of the waves
move my soul

colors of the sunset
reflect in your eyes

holding hands
walking amidst
our perfect paradise

Time Off

back again
sliding doors open
storm approaching

hours roll by
channel 31

I change into
a backless gown
cold draft

counting backwards
I lose consciousness

connected to tubes
and determined to walk
rain on the window

wheeled to the door
clouds departed

Rainy Afternoon

illumines the page
doors open

plot thickens
anxiety rises
hands to mouth

mirror images
my name on the page

sympathies switch
motive revealed



Marks on the Wall

I take my
first breathe
new born

mother looks at me smiling
tears glistening

running too fast
on the playground
a scar

sunset, he even
loves my imperfections

he carries her
into the new home
flowers blossom

grandma waiting on the porch swing
baby welcomed


pale green walls
black and white photo
springtime Paris

faded memories
from days long past

walking down the hall
feeling sorrow
gazing at the gray sky

the clouds open
and the cleansing drops
begin to fall

a last look behind
walking to the future


Lone mansion
perched on a hill
cries of a crow

drifting down
to the solitary traveler

gazing at the sky
cloudy day
lost in darkness

waiting. . .
for spring
and the freshness it brings

a lone flower’s growth
new life


© 2007, Randy Brooks • Millikin University • last updated: April 11, 2007
All rights returned to authors upon publication.