Global Haiku • Spring 2019
Dr. Randy Brooks

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Evan Chastain

New Broken Window

Evan Chastain

The title of this book is “new broken window”. This is from one of the haiku presented within this collection but has a deeper meaning. I, the old house, gained a new “broken window” with my ability to both write and enjoy haiku. As my first collection, I focused on real-life scenes and placing the reader in that situation. Hopefully giving them a new broken window with haiku. The haiku can be both comical and serious, natural and man-ade, but all are real. The fun of haiku for me was creating these scenes and taking the reader to my newly discovered place. I hope you enjoy and find your new broken window.

dawn breaks
through the blinds
. . . I guess I’ll get up

squirrel running
on the power lines
my tv flickers

the wind blows
rocking the chair
in your place

the sun
squeezes between the clouds
with sudden warmth

the red-tail hawk soars
with the breeze

 mouse        trCHEESEap

the old house
has a new
broken window

the homeless man
watches the family
shop for Easter

the glass slipper
does               n’t fit


the songbird sings
on the branch
the funeral

I prefer
your warmth
and no blanket

I hold your hand
we talk about
our time long ago

a wrong turn
a habit
i can’t break

© 2019, Randy Brooks • Millikin University
All rights returned to authors upon publication.