03 Matching Contest - Sabi & Karumi- Spring 2022 • Millikin University

lonely stars
I miss the sky
we shared

late walk home
stars dripping
onto my shoulders

the magic
of a shooting star
I forgot to wish too

walking in the rain
she stops
to cuff her pants

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top quarter champion


TOP half Chamption


bottom quarter champion

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music fades  
into the background  
solo concert

waxing candle
a table set
for one

2-person hammock
in the woods
with no partner

two pillows
in bed
for myself


TOP half champion

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BOTTOM half champion

many moons ago
I held you close
now . . . nothing . . .

noisy terminal
going in all different directions

sweltering summer walk
I sing 
to the cornfields

winter night
first snow
perfectly placed

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top quarter champion


BOTTOM half champion


bottom quarter champion

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still night
an empty room
of cardboard boxes

the door clicked shut
already waiting for her return
the patient puppy



© 2022, Randy Brooks • Millikin University. All rights returned to authors upon publication.













open field
our picnic basket
and tartan blanket

cloud watching
soft grass, the warm sun
a summer dream

feet dangle
over the pier
my eyes never leaving yours

the sun creates
a perfect glow

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top quarter champion


TOP half Chamption


bottom quarter champion

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misty garden path 
I could never 
see your full beauty

warmed by sunlight
and flushed gold at dusk
your freckles

twirling in my old/new spring skirt . . .
too afraid to wear it last year;
a new season, a new soul

to live a delirious life
with summer peaches
and music


TOP half champion

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BOTTOM half champion

“it smells like spring”
she interrupts
my complaints disappear

your pink sweater and cheeks
I call you on your lie
belly laughs

checkout lane
Reese’s peanut butter cups
snuck onto the counter

sour patch kids
and a ring box
I wish luck

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top quarter champion


BOTTOM half champion


bottom quarter champion


© 2022, Randy Brooks • Millikin University. All rights returned to authors upon publication.