Haiku for Valentine's Day

Global Haiku Tradition Kukai 2 (February 14, 2001)
Millikin University, Spring 2001

* Dr. Brooks' favorites

she calls my name
as I tremble
valentine's day                   Nicholas Walters

Valentine's Day
my first red rose
already dying                   Jill Embry

thank you for the roses
I didn't give them water
Happy Valentine's Day              Karen Brain

red crayon
on the white wall
Valentine for Daddy                   Megan Klein

playful heart gets reved up
        love of his life
       starts the engine                   Lauren Omohundro

a dozen red roses
in the trash can                   Nicole Bilyeu

Grade school Valentine--
Should I give him
Garfield or Scooby Doo             Amanda Young

Valentine's Day--
last year's roses
still dried in the bottom drawer            Kay Millikin

Valentine's day
next year                   Karrie Hardwick

half-off chocolates
lonely teddy bear
Februrary 15th, Wal-mart                   Paul Baker

among tattered keepsakes,
his kindergarten valentine
safe and sound                   Andrew Harrison

Valentine cards
traded among friends
secrets revealed                   Amy Twardowski

Valentine's Day
an empty bread basket
she lights last cigarette . . . waiting        Adria Neapolitan

to my valentine--
my roses had thorns
your dinner is burnt                   Karen Brain

milk carton mailbox
full of valentines
second grade crush                   Melissa Hayes

Valentine's Day--
     dotting my i's
          with hearts                   Melanie Hayes

Valentine dinner
conversation more important
than the occasion                   Mary Gamble

February 14th
Celebration of love
Why just one day?                   Jill Embry

First thought,
and last thought
of every day                   Nick Smith

Be Mine!
Stupid candy hearts                   Amanda Hill

Valentine's day
mom sends me cookies
sigh . . .                               Mark Grizzard

she calls my name
as I tremble
valentine's     day                   Nicholas Walters

candy hearts
in the snow                   Jenna Polk

Broken and filled
everyday . . . hearts
why is today different?                 xxxxx

a dozen red roses
on display
in the trash can                   Nicole Bilyeu

Kisses and candy
whispers of sweet nothings
who needs a holiday                   Brad Tubbs

grade school
a Valentine
for every name on the list            Sarah Lutz

my first Valentine
Mickey & Minnie
holding hands                   Eric VanNatta

Valentine's Day
box of chocolates
no one to share with                   Sarah Knutilla

chilled February breezes
on our rough picni table
kissing pleasure                   Danielle Berens

Lace trimmed
heartfelt cut-out
I like you!                   Eddie Morosini

©2001 Randy Brooks, Millikin University, Decatur, Illinois || all rights reserved for original authors