Haiku Matching Contest 2 - Special Places

(select your favorite for each pair and write it in the box below or above the pairs)
(then select favorites of those pairs, etc... until one is the top pick)

Fall 2006 • Haiku Roundtable • Millikin Unviersity

calm creek
under the bridge
a resting spot

above the fall air

Saturday the 14th
a quaint discussion
about superstition

fall morning
my throat is sore . . .
the open window




top quarter champion


top half champion

bottom quarter champion



in a battered barn
the hay loft
someone's fortress

tires and children
I’m home

spring breeze
bike ride
with Dad

swing in the park
where I sat—
my son sits


top half champion



bottom half champion

cold coffee in
a fluorescent waiting room
we wait for her surgery to end

the love of
my life

even on the roof
the government’s rules apply ...
Middle East

a conquered
my father's tractor




top quarter champion


bottom half champion

bottom quarter champion



hidden behind doors
protected from others
my drawing shelf

at the end
of the beaten path
my sanctuary

the setting sun
my basketball
a brief eclispe

midnight rain
hits the windows
dorm lounge

© 2006, Randy Brooks • Millikin University
All rights returned to authors upon publication.