Unthrown Stones: Haiku & Senryu

by Evan Coram

High/Coo Chapbook Award 2024

ISBN 978-1-929820-32-0 • perfectbound
July 2024, 58 pages (4" X 5.75") • $15.00 US

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This book is dedicated to:

to Kelly Ann

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About the Author

Evan Coram began writing at sixteen. He taught himself to play piano, and began his career writing songs. In college, he took a poetry course to improve his lyrics, and fell in love with words.

He then took every writing course he could find and participated in many workshops of all kinds. During this whirlwind, he met the woman of his dreams, wrote an award-winning play about it, won her heart, and married her. The circus then ran away from them and they spent the next three decades working together on the grandest collaboration of all, the art of raising children.

Fifteen years ago, Evan stumbled into haiku and was intrigued by its brevity and power. Following Jane Reichold’s lead, he has focused on trying to understand this art form in English. When Joe Woodhouse of Wales Haiku Journal identified some of Evan’s poems as senryu, suddenly all the things fell into place. He lives with his wife, near his children and other members of his extended family. His other hobbies include photography, poetry, bonsai, and painting in watercolor.

Evan Coram is a pseudonym for Kevin Robert Rathunde. This is his first collection.

Gaa Cover

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Finding voice is difficult,
a compassionate ear, more so.

First, I would like to thank Meg Curell—without you understanding my heart, I would never have sent my first haiku into the world.

I would also like to thank all the editors who gift their time. A kind word can go a long way. My thanks to Joe Woodhouse of Wales Haiku Journal for his encouragement and correspondence; Fay Aoyagi from The Heron’s Nest for her ideas and suggestions; Nicholas Klacsansky and his Facebook group Haiku Feedback, which has been an endless stream of commentary, encouragement and feedback; Susan Antolin of Acorn Haiku Journal; Beate Conrad of Chrysanthemum; Roberta Beach Jacobson of Cold Moon Journal; Jacob D. Salzer (and Nicholas again) of Frogpond; Kathleen Trocmet of Scarlet Dragonfly.

I also thank the editors of the following journals who chose to publish some of these haiku and senryu: Modern Haiku, Akitsu Quarterly, Bamboo Hut, Autumn Moon, Prune Juice, and Haikuniverse.

~ Evan Coram

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locketing pinkies
it's the nor'easter
takes my breath . . .

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couples therapy
none of my pasta
sticks to the wall

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pulling skin
from blanched tomatoes
the roles we slip into

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the calliope
slowly falls out of tune
divorce papers

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away at college
my son's cat
kneads me

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talking through
unremembered photos
unthrown stones

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