2024 HIGH/COO Chapbook
Competition Winners

Brooks Books is pleased to announce the winners of the 2024 High/Coo Chapbook Competition. We loved the range of topics and quality of the haiku, senryu and tanka evident in these collections.

This year we had 28 entries in the competition. Many of these manuscripts are worthy of publication, so it was very difficult deciding on publishing four collections. We are grateful for all authors who prepared and submitted such high-quality chapbook manuscripts.

The four collections and award-winning authors (in no particular order) are:

The Alchemy of Love
Susan Burch

Unthrown Stones
Evan Coram

Natural Consequences
John S. O’Connor

A Lost Prophet
Jacob D. Salzer

Haiku and tanka lovers may purchase the 2024 HIGH/COO Chapbooks as a print-copy bundle or PDF bundle. A subscription is $30 per year which includes a copy of all four chapbooks. International subscriptions are for PDF copies only.

You may subscribe to the 2024 HIGH/COO Chapbooks series at any time, but orders for individual chapbooks will not be available until after publication in early summer 2024. Each chapbook will be available as a single book purchase at a cost of $15 each plus $4 postage

2024 Subscription PDF Bundle

2024 HIGH/COO Chapbooks PDF Edition Bundle

International High/Coo Chapbooks subcribers will receive PDF editions of the four winning chapbooks instead of print editions. US subscribers who prefer the PDF bundle may also take advantage of this offer.

There is no postage charge for this PDF subscription, so annual subscription is $30 USD.


2024 Subscription Bundle

2024 HIGH/COO Chapbooks Print Edition Bundle

Annual High/Coo Chapbooks Subscription is $30 for all four chapbooks plus $5 postage and handling.

If you live in the United States you may purchase your chapbooks bundle as a secure transaction with your credit card through paypal.com:

Gaa Cover

The Alchemy of Love: Tanka

by Susan Burch

ISBN 978-1-929820-31-3 • perfectbound
August 1, 2024, 48 pages (4" X 5.75") • $15.00


the rarity
of a yellow cardinal —
finding someone
who loves you
just as you are

~ ~ ~

telling me
how much I matter —
getting lost
in the alchemy
of love

~ ~ ~


For more information, see the web page flyer

Julie cover

Unthrown Stones: Haiku & Senryu

by Evan Coram

ISBN 978-1-929820-32-0 • perfectbound
July 2024, 58 pages (4" X 5.75") • $15.00 US


locketing pinkies
it's the nor'easter
takes my breath . . .

~ ~ ~


couples therapy
none of my pasta
sticks to the wall

~ ~ ~


For more information, see the web page flyer

Ed cover

Natural Consequences

by John S. O'Connor

ISBN 978-1-929820-33-7 • perfectbound
July 2024, 60 pages (4" X 5.75") • $15.00 US


once again we hide
all pills and steak knives

~ ~ ~

round midnight . . .
before I sleep

~ ~ ~


For more information, see the web page flyer

Ed cover

A Lost Prophet: Haiku & Tanka

by Jacob D. Salzer

ISBN 978-1-929820-34-4 • perfectbound
July 2024, 60 pages (4" X 5.75") • $15.00 US


scent of indigo
our nameless shadows
in the forest stream

~ ~ ~

looking back
after a long journey . . .
her flame
is now a small star
over the endless sea

~ ~ ~

For more information, see the web page flyer

HIGH/COO Chapbooks
Annual Competition

In 2023 Brooks Books launched a new annual High/Coo Chapbooks competition. Each year we invite submissions of chapbook manuscripts by April 1. Three of the best submissions will be published in our new subscription series of High/Coo Chapbooks.

Why do we want to publish these under the “High/Coo Chapbooks” imprint? This new imprint honors our initial venture into publishing, which was a small press magazine: High/Coo: A Quarterly of Short Verse. “High/Coo” is an Americanized version of the Japanese term, both in appearance and conception, which is a recognition that we are promoting a contemporary English literary art.
“High/Coo” contains within it several key assumptions about our approach to haiku poetics. With “high” we embrace a poetry seeking to celebrate being alive — the emotions, feelings, perceptions, and enthusiastic realizations that come from being present to the gifts, mysteries, surprises, and insights available in our everyday lives. These are high moments of consciousness. Highlights of being alive. We love poetry that comes from deep contemplation, discovered insight and heartfelt feeling.
The “coo” refers to our responses to these high moments of being alive. As poets, we give voice to our responses. We playfully experiment with the “coo” that naturally springs out of these moments of being alive — giving voice to various states of high awareness. Our “coos” often understate or suggest the significance of what is left unsaid. Playful language hints at a state of consciousness. We like playful language!
And finally, there is the “/“ between “high” and “coo”. This represents the haiku cut, an essential silence that invites the reader into the space of the poem’s consciousness, language, and images. It is the pause that comes at various points in haiku, senryu, and tanka. A contemplative breath in the middle of things. A door that opens to invite the reader inside to a world of imaginative play.
Put these all together, and you get “High/Coo!”

Randy & Shirley Brooks


Guidelines for 2024 HIGH/COO Chapbook Submissions:

Submissions to the 2024 competition closed April 1, 2024.

Each year the High/Coo Chapbook Competition opens January 1. Readers may subscribe to each year's chapbooks published in the competition. All subscribers are eligible to submit a chapbook of haiku, senryu, or tanka (or a combination of these) for that year's competition.

Guidelines for HIGH/COO Chapbook Submissions:

Submissions to the competition open January 1 and close April 1 each year.

1 - There is no entry fee, but you must be a subscriber to the current year's High/Coo Chapbooks series to enter the competition. Subscription is $30 per year which includes a copy of all award-winning chapbooks published that year. International subscribers will receive PDF editions of the chapbooks.

The chapbooks will be sold separately for $15 per copy, so a subscriber gets a significant discount receiving that year's chapbooks for $30 plus $5 postage. You do not have to submit a chapbook manuscript in the contest to subscribe to the High/Coo Chapbooks series.

If you are a subscriber to High/Coo Chapbooks, you may submit one chapbook manuscript per year.
2 - Chapbook manuscripts will be submitted by email to brooksbooks@gmail.com and include the following requirements:
     • a book title
     • a short biography of the author (500-1000 words)
     • 30 - 50 haiku, senryu, or tanka (no haibun, no linked verse, no other genres)
     • acknowledgments for previous publication of any poem submitted
     • author’s name, address, email address & publication name preference
     • SUBJECT LINE: HIGHCOO Chapbook Submission

     optional, but not required:

     • a short introduction about your collection
     • a short introduction to your own art of writing haiku or tanka
     • you may submit your chapbook by mail but include an email address for response (no returns)
3 - There will be at least three chapbooks published each year. Winning authors will receive 10 copies of their collection and $100. They also will get a 50% author's discount on additional copies of their chapbook.
4 - Submissions open January 1 and the closing deadline for submission is April 1. Winning chapbooks will be announced by May 1 and published in summer.

Randy & Shirley Brooks
6 Madera Court
Taylorville, IL 62568