EN340 / IN350 Global Haiku Tradition
Dr. Randy Brooks
Spring 2005

Ashlee Peth

A kukame

Ashlee Peth & Kirsten Rae Leyndyke

I would like to thank Kirsten Rae Leyndyke for her contribution in
writing the kukame. I would also like to thank her for being a wonderful roommate, supporter, and friend. She is an inexperienced haiku writer but we wrote a rengay together and we enjoyed it, so I though it would be interesting to see the pairing and mixing of someone who has taken the class and someone who hasn't to see what happens. I am pleased with the results. Here is our Kukame!

3 am
parents creeping with presents

    chewed up carrots
    to put in the snow
    I think they’re crazy

bright paper
and empty boxes
not one thing I wanted

    I own too much stuff
    it won’t possibly fit in here

dim dressing room
won’t move

    walking away
    screaming follows

where’s the rum gone?

    prom night
    corsage on my wrist

I wish my flowers were bigger . . .
I follow my date

    red autumn sunset
    through leaves
    a hand in mine

soft gentle rain
two eyes combine

    cracking both eggs
    in the bowl
    you hands are cold

warming in the dough
but mustn’t eat
cookie dough is bad for you

    popcorn, pizza, chocolate . . .
    what a girl’s night!

I accidentally burned my fries

    standing at the door
    a memory
    long forgotten

It was an mistake
nothing was destroyed
except dinner

    by the phone
    reading, but not
    you forgot to call

can I borrow yours?
I need to dial a 1 . . .

    confused man
    in the ladies room
    on the toilet,
    I try not to laugh

solo and lost . . .

    staring at the ground
    walking and muttering

always by the restaurant
always alone

    and too scared
    at the clinic

one glass of wine
too many
I regret . . .

    a cicada
    teenage suicide

junk in the trunk
note to self:
next time eat less
of the chocolate oreos

    still not perfect . . .
    pushing the food
    on her plate

I hate scallop potatoes

    dirt farm
    sweaty brow touches
    cool lips

a day of anticipation
home at last


©2005 Randy Brooks, Millikin University, Decatur, Illinois || all rights reserved for original authors