Winter Haiku

fun in the snow
sun comes up--
Frosty's gone

John Moorman

cardinals bob
through the snow
looking for food

Meagan Hinze

the snowdrifts
so deep
my car is stuck

Lindsay Greer

red cardnals
on snow drifts
the last snow

Nick Potje

pretty white snowflakes
drifting to the ground . . .
let's have a snowball fight

Andy Rauff


cold night
the blizzard
makes my sister cry

Jessica Villarreale


a car stuck in a drift
the squeal of spinning tires
in agony to get out

Rebekah Slodounik


snow flutters around me
a snowman leans
in the distance

Rebekah Slodounik


the chilly air blows
I pull my coat tighter
around me, brr

Rebekah Slodounik


fingers around the mug
hot chocolate steams
my glasses

Randy Brooks


coming in from the snow
my mittens wet
I am so cold

Lindsay Greer

Spring Haiku Summer Haiku Autumn Haiku Winter Haiku

PAGC Haiku Writing Workshop
March 27, 1999

©1999 YourName
Brooks Books

Randy M. Brooks, Ph.D.
workshop leader & editor