Summer Haiku

at the beach . . .
a crab's sideways walk
on the hot sand

Matt O.


good surfing waves . . .
a shark
fin circling

Scott Miller


the waves coming in--
my sandcastle
floating away

Abbey Berry


seagulls squawk . . .
little kids
throw bread

Laura Bonnett


parasails fly high
in the sky . . .
a seagull flies by

Alayna Stewart


sun shining down . . .
my back
lobster red

Sara Taylor


the coaster tracks
way up high--
hear the faint cries

Ashley Purnell


children playing hide & seek,
their feet crushing pine cones--
"Ready or not, here I come!"

Chelsea Barberlero


legs getting tired
on the bike hike . . .
sweat down my face

Celia Brewer


waves lapping the shore
of the ocean . . .
smell of the salt water

Abby French


jungle of seaweed . . .
mosquitoes feasting
on me

Richard Bailey


fog covers the lake . . .
our feet dangle
in the muddy water

Emily Andrick


Spring Haiku Summer Haiku Autumn Haiku Winter Haiku

Warrensburg-Latham Middle School
sixth grade students writing project

 November 1998
©1998 Brooks Books

Randy M. Brooks, Ph.D.
workshop leader & editor