Global Haiku • Fall 2023
Dr. Randy Brooks

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Madelyn Letourneau




Madelyn Letourneau

The title of my work—ESCAPSIM—was chosen from a favorite haiku of mine. People have various things in their life that act as their escapism. For me, this is a million things, but also one thing. In this collection my escapism is reading and my love of books. But "in" Global Haiku, it has been this class as a whole. Whether it's writing something sad, happy, angry or even fun, I have loved using the art of haiku to express myself. As a nursing major, learning about and writing haiku has been new and interesting, but regardless, I have loved getting to use haiku as my escapism.


To my roommate - for listening to me rant about haiku everh Sunday and Wednesday night.

To my haiku class - for laughs & support by KUKAI!

arm hole by arm
a coat of wings
my guardian angel

lost faith
but the angels speak to me
in numbers

overworked mother
eldest daughter
takes the wheel

late night walk
mother & daugher

almond cinnamon rolls
fill the room
new wax melt

campfire stories
the pop & sizzle
of a burning marshmallow

dreaded reality
letters strung into words

soft twinkling lights
scattered forgotten papers
endless conversation

petal by petal
hand picked
for you

falling into you
when I've already learned
not to trip

side by side
my pinkie grazes yours
my heart stops

my c a.  ###  tttt
on my keyboard

buying groceries
i know
you like

from downstairs
mom calls my name
i start another chapter

a whole new bookshelf
fills my
Christmas list

© 2023, Randy Brooks • Millikin University
All rights returned to authors upon publication.