Global Haiku • May 2022
Dr. Randy Brooks

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The Shadows of My Mind

Kaitlyn McIntyre

Haiku has become an outlet for me — away to put my feelings and things that make me happy on paper. The things I couldn't say out loud I was able to express through haiku. So you are seeing the way my mind works through happy moments and sad moments. You’re memories and feelings may be close to mine and I hope they feel closer to me or yourself if that is what fulfills you.

outside the body
my shadows dwell
does it make friends without me

brain misfires
feelings overload
outcasted from the world

I place her urn
on the mantle
with her favorite green scrunchie

sloppy kisses and bruised knees
little offspring
my favorite people

when I close my eyes
I picture the perfect family
I wish I had

late night swim
moist grass
muddies the water

friend or foe
constant battle
on the totem pole

lemons, lemons
no recipe
to make lemonade

every family holiday
they say I look just like her
it stings every time

old 90s rock
blaring through the house
you know what time it is

the crown molding
once bright white
now a dull yellow

if I close my eyes
 and breath
will all the voices fizzle out

looking for change
scissors in hand

one pound down joyful
one pound up
world comes crumbling down

dandelions cover the field
weed or flower
determine your worth

© 2022, Randy Brooks • Millikin University
All rights returned to authors upon publication.