PACE Global Haiku • January 2006
Dr. Randy Brooks

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Kelley Larrick

Family Adventures
Selected Haiku

Kelley Larrick

The approach that I have taken to writing haiku, is to describe situations that I have encountered with my family. Family is a huge part of my life. I'm married to a wonderful man and have three children. Kraig, 14-year old freshman, Kaleb, 12-year old 6th grade, and Kristie, 10-year old 4th grade. All three, along with my husband and myself are very involved in sports. I'm also real close with my parents and relatives, so all of my haiku have come from memories of things that we have done together. Please enjoy my experiences, like I have enjoyed them.

the packed hall
with a sea of orange
the chief dances

riverboat casino
with my last coin

cinder track
that's my son
first place


an explosion of color
on a hot summer night
the Grand Finale

Family Celebration

New Year's Eve
the table stacked
high with games

the family gathers in the kitchen
with a snack and drink in hand

deck of cards
I shuffle and deal
first game, Uno

from one game to another
we pick Life from the pile

nighttime falls as
the moonlight shines
almost midnight

horns blow, confetti flies
Happy New Year


© 2006, Randy Brooks • Millikin University
All rights returned to authors upon publication.