EN340 / IN350 Global Haiku Tradition
Dr. Randy Brooks
Spring 2003
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Selected Haiku

Lauren Taylor

When I first began writing haiku, I found it really fun. As time goes on, the spontaneity of it continues. I decided to take Global Haiku because I thought it would be easy. Not only did it challenge me, it helped me to be creative in my writing. Many of my thoughts about haiku have been changed. I now see the uniqueness in everyone. There are no true rules to haiku which gave me confidence in experimenting. The following pages contain my haiku. Hopefully, you can enjoy them as much as I have, and possibly be inspired to write some of your own.

Reader Liz Hattan's Introduction

Not only knowing Lauren from college but also seeing her grow up from a young age, I have had the opportunity to know her well. Being in haiku class with Lauren has really let me see her creative side bringing me into her life and experiences through words. I have really enjoyed reading her haiku. It makes me laugh because she writes a lot from her experiences, a lot from which I have either heard of or been a part of. I like a lot of her haiku, but one of my favorites is:

open goal
my shot
goes            wide

tootsie rolls
a penny

         to spare

meteor shower
at its peak
pulling us together

on his knees
the diamond ring



the smell of rain

train ride
his smiling face
the welcome



7am flight
a talker sits
next to me


©2003 Randy Brooks, Millikin University, Decatur, Illinois || all rights reserved for original authors