EN340 / IN350 Global Haiku Tradition
Dr. Randy Brooks
Spring 2003
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Selected Haiku

Liz Hattan

As an artist I feel that I have a lot of creativity. I usually create art that is visually stimulating. Coming into haiku as an artist really excited me and made me create in a different way. I learned to use my creativeness while limiting the amount of words used to write my haiku while creating an image. I have really enjoyed haiku and having another way to express personal and non-personal experiences, emotions and feelings.

Lauren Taylor's Introduction

Throughout this semester, in Global Haiku, Liz Hattan has had the opportunity to try a new form of art. I am really proud to have been able to watch her talent with haiku grow. She has a knack for making her haiku very visual. I think that with every haiku I read a wonderful image came to mind. My favorite by Liz Hattan is:

freshly squeezed lemons
s q u i r t

thought it was gone
it hasn't left
I still      miss him.

cold chairlift
wind in my face
freshly waxed skis

scent of pancakes
she stumbles downstairs
crusty eyed



colored eggs
I find one . . .

filled with money


©2003 Randy Brooks, Millikin University, Decatur, Illinois || all rights reserved for original authors