Global Haiku • Spring 2022
Dr. Randy Brooks

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Andrew Tufano


Andrew Tufano

This haiku collection reflects a ton of memories in my past that have propelled me into my future. I am a musical theatre lover, and the Entr’acte is the introduction to Act 2. I talk about my experiences in life that have pushed me to become the man I am today, and I have learned so many lessons. I hope you enjoy my Act 1 haiku and can find a little bit of my past that can help you find yourself in the future. Chase your dreams my friends ;)

caught in the act
the damage is done
through secrets and lies

“I like this haiku because it perfectly describes how damaging a lack in commitment can break a relationship. It tells the story of a unfaithful couple where one truly loves the other more.”
~Sheridan Mirador, Emojiland Cast

she tells me to
ride the wave
since then          I haven’t stopped

“I like this haiku because the concept of waves usually represents going forward and sometimes, they crash. But they are rebuilt and go forward again in a cycle routine. This is a story of perseverance.” ~Christopher Gibson, Emojiland Cast

mommy's drawing
he discovers
the passion to create

he hums the melody
not throwing away my shot

four years
the same faces
full circle

taking shots
once again
friend zoned

a gentle breeze
smoky grill
three strikes you're out

friends on mute
I scroll
into the abyss

feet dangle
over the pier
my eyes never leaving yours

like weeds
he's overstayed
his welcome

he goes deeper
digging for
fresh sand dollars

© 2022, Randy Brooks • Millikin University
All rights returned to authors upon publication.