Global Haiku • January 2018
Dr. Randy Brooks

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Sabrina LeBlanc




Sabrina LeBlanc

Haiku is an age old tradition that many overlook due to the “strict” structure taught in grade school. I’ve come to learn that it’s an art form that is pushed to the side for poetry that is more precise in its meaning. It’s for introspective people who like to look for the deeper meaning of things.

Writing this haiku brought me back to my roots. I love writing, and using my creative side. I drew a lot of my inspiration from the world around me and my life experiences. I hope that these are able to speak to others as well, hopefully bringing up memories as haiku does for me.

There isn’t much of a formal structure as to the placement of each poem. It’s entitled “Ramblings” because of this fact, as though to seem it is being spoken off the top of the head. I hope you enjoy!


outside on a porch
the grey shoes
long for their owner

wind chimes
as the boy conducts
for the first time

the muted color on the walls
a history
I'll never know

missed opportunities
as laughter fills the air
maybe next time

crunching beneath my feet
the soft grass stretches for miles
no end in sight

high school cafeteria
conversation flowing
just a book

waves lapping at the shore,
my mother and I push
each other into the tide

comparing buttons
new policies,
old tactics

I cocoon myself in warmth
ready for the passage of
a lonely night


old book in hand
the spring breeze
turns the page

© 2018, Randy Brooks • Millikin University
All rights returned to authors upon publication.