Global Haiku • Summer 2024
Dr. Randy Brooks

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Thomas Hill




The Life WE Live

Thomas Hill

The reason I chose this title is because all these haiku you are about to read are based on real life experiences or stories. Whether it be something I went thru in my past or recently or even just me witnessing something that I saw while observing. You get to see the world through my eyes and translate it to something that represents or relate to you also. That’s why it’s the life WE live. Even though it’s based on things that I have went through I feel as if others can be able to understand and compare to some things that they may have experienced. I wouldn’t want to compare my life to others in no way shape or form. But I’m honored I get to share my story and hopefully you can find some memories that help you feel like you’re back in that setting also

get fly
get paid
have fun

When I wrote this haiku ai just thought about the 3 rules I try to live by in life. Get fly means to dress well. I take dressing very seriously I just feel like it’s a great way to express myself and it feels good when other people compliment your style. Get paid is self-explanatory you gotta have “munyun to have funyun”. So you have to have money to have fun and have an exciting life. Which goes into the last line . Just have fun. I feel like a life with regret is a life I don’t want to live. I love going out and doing things. Concerts, Traveling, just anything I feel like outgoing or where memories could be made is a fun experience. Because I never know when I’ll die or how much longer I have to live so every day I use that to make the best of the time I have on Earth. Thomas Hills, May 2024

see you soon
doesn’t feel the same
talking to his headstone

For this haiku it was dedicated to my grandad who passed. I try to go see him when I’m at home when I’m free and when I do I sit and have decently long conversations with him. I got a chain with his face on it and I wear it every day so he’s always with me. But even with that it still doesn’t feel the same as having him here anymore. Because even though I know he’s up there listening it feels like I’m talking to myself at times. I just wish I could get a response or a sign to know he’s really here with me. All I want to know is if I'm making him proud down here. And everyone also says I am but not being able to hear it from him really hurts. Thomas Hills, May 2024

one dollar
two of us
we make it work

This haiku was a story from a few years back but it’s deeper than just one dollar. If me and my friend walk in the store, and I have a dollar and he has 50 cents we got enough to split a bag of chips. If one day he has 20 dollars and I have 10 dollars he can pay for the movies and I'll pay for the gas money to get us there. Like that’s like my brother so we always are going to pull thru for each other no matter what. We will never leave the other one out for dry because we all we got. And it’s been like that since we met. It’s not “oh I can’t go out because I don’t have enough” or “i can’t get any food because I forgot my card” we just get each other now and handle it later rather it’s he pays me back when he can get it or he just gets the next meal. But it’s always just all love at the end of the day. Because having someone that you know can be real when times get hard makes it easier for both of us when we are on the top one day. Thomas Hills, May 2024

shoe boxes everywhere
each one holds
a new story

Now this one is very literal. I wrote this in my room where I keep all my shoes and clothes, so I was just staring at all my different shoe boxes. As you know from the explanation above, I’m big on fashion and dressing so I have a lot of shoes. Every shoe I have serves a purpose though. I can send you a picture of all my shoes and if you point one out, I can tell you when I got it, why I got it and what outfit I’ve worn with them If I wore them yet. I got really into shoes during the end of middle school going into high school that’s when it all started. Ever since then I’ve been a shoe fanatic. They tell a story about my life that some people may not even know about me. My shoes are like a book and each one is just another chapter. Thomas Hills, May 2024

fourth quarter
down by two
i’m shooting the three

Now for this haiku I just felt like my play on words was amazing and people didn’t catch on that it was deeper than basketball. Fourth Quarter is the end of the game and I’m down by two so I'm going to shoot the three. But why? I wanted people to think about the decisions they make that impact their lives and the people around them. When times get hard will you go all out and secure the win? Or will you take the two and risk losing it all later in time? I feel like you should always go for the win in any situation in life because it can go two ways. You get the win and you’ve accomplished what you worked for. Or you don’t get the win and you go back to the drawing board and work harder towards your goal. But you get the satisfaction of knowing you went for the win and have no regrets. Going for the two is risky because then what’s your plan after that? Keep selling yourself short and think about baby steps to keep you barely afloat. Then that’s when you start to question yourself and decisions which can all be avoided by just believing in yourself to begin with. Thomas Hills, May 2024

real men don't cry
a tear falls
when no one looks

first drink at twenty one
his last

the gun goes off
everyone runs
track season has officially started

© 2024, Randy Brooks • Millikin University
All rights returned to authors upon publication.