Global Haiku • Spring 2021
Dr. Randy Brooks

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Carly Clo

Reader Response Essay
on Terry Ann Carter




College Memories

Carly Clo

I chose haiku that come from memories of me in my college years, whether it was at school, over the summer, or in quarantine. This class has been a fun way
to take my favorite and least favorite memories and put them into words to share with my peers.

When I first signed up for this class, I wasn’t really sure what to expect. I have not heard talked or thought about haiku since about the third grade, but I heard this class is really fun and I was excited to learn more. Since I have been in the class, I’ll see haiku a completely different way. I have always been the kind of person that wasn’t the biggest fan of poetry because I would have trouble understanding, but haiku is the first enjoyable form poetry due to it being so short. I am a really bad reader so long poems have been very hard for me to analyze and comprehend, but this has made me find a new love for poetry in general. I definitely find myself looking at life differently, for example, I myself making random little haiku in my head throughout the day and it’s fun. And I think that’s what I like most about haiku and this class was the fact that it was simply fun and enjoyable and not something I was being forced to like. Moving on I will definitely have a more open mind about poetry in general and specifically haiku, and I hope to read and make more haiku for fun in the future.

unbreakable chemistry
you just want
to be friends

out of a relationship
I can make
my own rules

he kissed me
I could float like this

long drive
my best friend's bangs
shape her face

6-hour drive home
country music
all the way

in my eyes
tell me
you don't love me

summer walks
around the church
and back

living room giggles
homework waiting
to be finished

© 2021, Randy Brooks • Millikin University
All rights returned to authors upon publication.