Global Haiku • Spring 2021
Dr. Randy Brooks

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Paige Hockman

Reader Response Essay
on Aubrie Cox


Paige Hockman

Global Haiku has been a very interesting semester. It has taught me to enjoy the little things in life and find imagery in the simple joys of life. It helps me to find a feeling of peace. It was so interesting to be placed in a class with students who had all different types of personalities. It has been interesting to see the expectations versus the reality of writing a haiku. It isn’t the simple 5-7-5 syllables. So I hope you enjoy and everything you read brings about a special feeling or memory that brings a smile to the reader’s face. 

no visitors
hallways baren
year of the nurse

I really enjoyed this haiku I wrote. Before classes started this semester, I was working at two hospitals, both Carle in champaign and DMH in Decatur. Both were intensive care settings and had covid patients in critical condition. Along with the covid patients, the regular patients weren’t able to have any family members. This is so hard on patients and even the staff. Families make a difference in the care given as well as the psychosocial health of the patient. Paige Hockman, Spring 2021

white puffy suit
single patient rooms

jumping on the bed
laughter travels
thrrough grandma’s house

fishing pole in the water
slight tug on the line
line snaps

piles of homework
headed to the ceiling
be a nurse they said

tip toe onto the scale
it keeps turning
make it stop

dodging left and right 
never perfect again

hoofs stomp dirt
tail whisps
peace by the pasture


looking at the stars
back of the truck
tucked in blankets tight

summer breeze blows
chills down my spine

moon so bright
silence fills the cool air
wolves start to howl

on the edge of the world
no one around us
a simple stillness

night coming to an end
truck starts up

wheels roll away
just like any worries
her hand slips into his

Paige Hockman & Keaton Garner





© 2021, Randy Brooks • Millikin University
All rights returned to authors upon publication.