Millikin University Student Haiku Projects

  snow drifts
even with his cane
her grave is too far
by Kristin Boryca

A Day's Breath: Selected Haiku
by Kristin Boryca

Haiku Unit Plan
for Secondary Education

by Molly Burns

Haiku Board Game
by Jessica Claussen

Haiku Recipe Book
by Niki Curatti

Indian Haiku Dance

by Jamie Devitt

Dancing to Myself: Haibun
by Stephanie Dietrich

Psychology Haiku
by Shania Dvorak

Basho, Issa, Kerouac & Snyder:
On the Road Haiku
by Emily Evans

Video Ginko
by Zach Glenn

3000 Thoughts & 30 Images
haiku photography

by Jennifer Griebel

Cap'n Brooks & His Haiku Crew
by Mike Knowles

The Haiku Song
by Brianne Marsel

Travel Haiga
by Melanie McLay

A cappella Haiku Song
by Merissa Marx

Molly's Haiku Song
by Molly Pufall

Just Friends: A One Act Play
by Lynn Wayne & Jay Schleppenbach

Opera Kasen-no-Renga
by Adam Stefo

Night Train Haiku
by Dan Temkin




The Global Haiku Tradition course closes with final student projects. The purpose of the final project is to apply haikai arts to something that means a lot to the student—usually something related to their major field of study. 

Project highlights include reports on the introduction of haiku to elementary school children, haiga or original haiku with art illustrating each poem, subject studies, genre experiments, computer  presentations, avocations and dramatic performances. These projects emphasize how fun it is to draw inspiration for your haiku from many different areas of life.

Edward Hopper Paintings & Haiku
by James Brett

Existential Haiku: A Recording
by Andrew Barnick

Cell Phone Ringa
by Sarah Bassill

Love Haiku
by Danielle Berens

Jazz Haiku Improvisation
by Adam Blakey

Seven: A Tanka Sequence
by Ryan Casey

Country Summer
by Alida Duff

Original Art & Haiku
by Erin Crow, Dorina Aguilar &
Liz Hattan

Cup of Tea Haiku
by Maggie Kusar

Love & Blue Haiku
by Medea Mosxona

Watercolor Haiku
by Grace Newman

Haiku to Famous Artwork
by Kerry Hammergren

Haiku Pottery
by Sylvia Hilton

Haiku Fortune Cookies
by Alexis M. Iffert

Future History of Time Travel
a scifiku novella by Ryne Inman

A Journal of Travels
by Bre Johnson

Beach Bag Haiku
by Leigh Ann Kitchell

Sunset Haiku
by Ben Kress

Norman Rockwell Haiku
by Rachel Perry

Cornerstone: Millikin Haibun
by Meg Schleppenbach

Traveling Shoe Haiku
by Julia Shaver

US Haiku Song
by Dan Simpson

Child Psychologist's Haiku
by Brad Tubbs


haiku conferences haiku courses at Millikin teaching haiku
speakers & readings haiku competitions at MU student renga
student haiku projects published haiku by students links to haiku web sites
student research on haiku haiku by Millikin students directory of haiku magazines


© 2021, Dr. Randy Brooks• Millikin University
last updated 9/1/22about this web site