Tanka Writing Roundtable
EN170 Fall 2017
Dr. Randy Brooks

Millikin University
Shilling 209

Classroom: Shilling Hall 325
Friday 11:00–11:50pm

Tanka Writing Roundtable Fall 2017

Tanka Editing 1
Tanka Editing 1 Results

Tanka Sequences & Collaboration:

Tan-renga 1
Tan-renga Results

1 Tanka Sequences

Kukai 1Kukai 1 Results

Kukai 2Kukai 2 Results

Kukai 3Kukai 3 Results

Kukai 4Kukai 4 Results

Kukai 5Kukai 5 Results

Matching Contest 1
Matching Contest 1 Results

Kukai 6Kukai 6 Results


Final Exam

Final Exam: University Commons 138-140
December 15, 2017

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Reading & Writing Assignments by Dates:

for 8/25 (in class)

in class - tanka reading: reading and sharing response to tanka from The Tanka Anthology. What is the reader's experience of a tanka? How does a tanka work from a reader's perspective?

for 9/1

reading assignment: The Tanka Anthology, introduction and poets through page 35
(1) response writing assignment: write a paragraph of your questions from the introduction
(2) response writing assignment: write reader response paragraphs to 2 favorite tanka

(3) reading response: write about a favorite tanka by Dr. Brooks from "Coyote Pup"

Extra credit trivia question: where was the Tanka Society of America founded?

Response paragraph guidelines:
• type the tanka exactly as published (don't add capital letters or new line breaks
• include the author's name, an abbreviation of the book title, and page number

Like this:

quite by surprise
my daughter asks me
if I'd like to be a woman
  the gravity in the moment
  I took to answer

Tom Clausen, TTA, 34

(4) tanka writing assignment: write 5-10 tanka attempts in response to tanka you are reading or from your own recent life experiences

(email your tanka and reading responses to me by midnight Wednesday)

for 9/8

in class - tanka kukai 1

(5) reading assignment: The Tanka Anthology, pages 36-119
response writing assignment: write reader response paragraphs to two favorite tanka

(6) reading assignment: "A Quick Start Guide to Writing Tanka" by Jeanne Emrich in Tanka Teacher's Guideresponse writing: write a tanka with a turning pivot line in the third line

(7) kukai response assignment: select your favorite tanka from Kukai 1 and write a response to it.

(8) writing tanka: write 5-10 new tanka and email them to me by Wednesday midnight

(emails due by midnight on Wednesday)

for 9/15

(9) reading assignment: The Tanka Anthology, pages 120-203
response writing assignment: write reader response paragraphs to two favorite tanka

(10) reader response: write about 2 favorite tanka from Kukai 1 Results

reading assignment: "Defining Tanka" & "About Tanka" & "What is Tanka?" in Tanka Teacher's Guide

(11) writing tanka: email 5-10 new tanka attempts

(emails due by midnight on Wednesday)

for 9/22

in class - tanka editing workshop 1

(12) tanka editing assignment: write variations of 2 or 3 tanka from the Tanka to Edit 1

(13) reading assignment: "Tanka Form" & "A Tanka Repair Kit" in Tanka Teacher's Guide

(14) writing tanka: email 5-10 new tanka attempts

(15) write 2 three-line starts for tan-renga tanka (a class partner will write the last 2 lines)

(email due midnight Wednesday)

for 9/29

in class - tanka kukai 2

(16) kukai response assignment: from Kukai 2 and write a paragraph response to 2 favorites.

(17) reading: Akiko Yosano, Tangled Hair, page 1-55 including the introduction
response writing assignment: write a paragraph of your questions from the introduction and brief reader response paragraphs to two favorite tanka

(18) tan-renga writing: write capping verses to at least 3 of the tan-renga hokku to make a new tanka and email them to me by midnight Wednesday

(19) writing tanka: write 4-8 tanka about complicated relationships or as imaginative spin-offs from some of Akiko's tanka

(20) based on edits received on tanka to edit 1, select your favorite final version of your tanka or revise your tanka with these alternatives as examples

(email due midnight Wednesday)

for 10/6

in class - tanka kukai 3 & introduction to the collaborative round-robin tanka sequence

(21) reading: "Cicada Chorus" tanka trio by Randy Brooks, Carmella Braniger, and Aubrie Cox (download handouts from Moodle course) and “What Luck, A Summer Tanka Quartet” by Jackson Lewis, Carmella Jean Braniger, Randy Brooks & Joseph Bein.

(22) response writing assignment: write a one-page response to one of the sequences, pointing out favorite tanka and threads.

(23) reader response writing: write about three favorite tanka from any of the two sequences

(24) writing tanka: email 6-10 new tanka attempts

(email due midnight Wednesday)

for 10/13

fall break

start your email sequence with partners. the goal is 21 tanka links over 2 weeks

(25) write 5-10 tanka about home, homecoming, going home, what is home, home alone, etc.

for 10/20

(26) writing tanka in class (or wherever your team wants to meet) Collaborative tanka sequences with teams of  (two teams of 3) WRITE A SEQUENCE OF 15-21 TANKA. Always indicate authors with name abbreviations. You may write one long sequence of 15-21 tanka or two shorter 7-link sequences. THESE ARE DUE BY EMAIL midnight Wednesday, October 25.

(27) reading: Moon's Edge by Natalie Perfetti (handout / PDF from Moodle)
response writing assignment: write reader response paragraphs to one favorite tanka

(28) kukai response assignment: write a response to your favorite 2 tanka from kukai 3

(email 27 & 28 due midnight Wednesday October 18)

for 10/27

email your tanka sequences!

(29) reading: Akiko Yosano, Tangled Hair, tanka 56-165
response writing assignment: write reader response paragraphs to three favorite tanka

(30) reading: "Yosano Akiko" in Modern Japanese Tanka, pages 37-48
response writing assignment: compare translations (Ueda versus Goldstein) of a favorite tanka by Akiko

(31) writing tanka: email 5-10 new tanka Try writing some tanka based on objects or things that are significant because of the memories or emotions they hold for you.

(email 26, 29, 30, 31 due midnight Wednesday October 25)

for 11/1 (YES, WEDNESDAY)

(32) reading: Modern Japanese Tanka, intro through pages 36
response writing assignment: write a brief response to the introduction noting questions you have about modern Japanese tanka & write response paragraphs to 2 favorite tanka

(33) writing tanka: email 5-10 new tanka on emotions of growing older or changing personality or losing connections to the past

(email due midnight Monday)

for 11/10

in class - tanka kukai 5

(34) reading: Modern Japanese Tanka, pages 49-156
response writing assignment: write response paragraphs to 2 favorite tanka

(35) writing tanka: email 5-10 new tanka attempts by Wednesday November 4 to Dr. Brooks

(email due midnight Wednesday)

for 11/17

(37) kukai response assignment: write a response to your favorite 2 tanka from kukai 5

(38) reading: Modern Japanese Tanka, pages 157-204
response writing assignment: write response paragraphs to 2 favorite tanka

(39) writing tanka: email 5-10 new tanka attempts OPEN TOPIC

(email due midnight Wednesday)

11/23 - no class - THANKSGIVING BREAK

for 12/1

in class - matching contest 2 (Thanksgiving)

(40) reading: Modern Japanese Tanka, pages 205-240
response writing assignment: write response paragraphs to 2 favorite tanka

(41) matching contest - write about your favorite pair from Matching Contest 1

(42) writing tanka: email 5-10 new tanka attempts by Wednesday midnight to Dr. Brooks (write some from your actual Thanksgiving break!)

(email due midnight Wednesday)

for 12/8

last day of class

(44) bring: your signature tanka bookmark gift for exchange

(45) bring: your tanka collection chapbook including your introduction, a title, and optional reader's introduction

(46) reading response assignment: select your favorite tanka to go into your chapbook collection and share them with your reading buddy (or have your reading buddy help you select tanka to include in your collection) and write a title and introduction for your own collection and a response to a favorite by your tanka buddy. email me the tanka in final edit form and your exchanged introductions.

(47) reading response: write about a favorite tanka by Dr. Brooks from the handout

(email due midnight Wednesday)

Final Exam is a Millikin University Tanka Reading

Final Exam: University Commons 138-140
December 15, 2017

(48) bring: your tanka submission (5 tanka on a page with your name & address in upper left hand corner, in an envelope, with an Self Addressed Envelope inside). Please include two stamps in the envelope, but do not stick the on the envelope in case I submit your work to foreign countries. Leave the outside envelope blank and I will send it to the magazine I think will most likely be interested in publishing your work.

(49) bring: friends to the reading. extra credit for every friend you bring!

(50) FINAL response writing: Pick 3-5 of your favorite tanka you have written this semester and write a reading response about why you like these best of all your tanka written.